Empowering Intimacy has partnered with Imerman Angels (IA) to provide peer-to-peer support for our community, patients, and partners. Whether you are a patient, previvor, survivor, or caregiver, you have the opportunity to connect with someone to give or receive support.

“A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.”

Steve Maraboli

Empowering Intimacy and Imerman Angels share the belief that no one should face cancer alone. Through this partnership, we match mentors who share similar cancer journeys with patients, previvors, survivors, and caregivers to provide one-on-one emotional support and compassion.

While we recognize that each cancer and life situation is unique, our goal is to connect patients, previvors, survivors, and caregivers with “Mentor Angels” who have faced a similar experience. Mentor Angels give cancer fighters and caregivers the chance to ask personal questions and receive support from a peer who has been down the same road before.

We encourage you to register to be matched with a Mentor Angel or to volunteer to be a Mentor Angel. The process of receiving a match usually takes just a few days.

Become a Mentor

Each applicant completes a profile detailing their personal experience with cancer and will then work with an Imerman Angels staff member to be screened and trained. Mentor Angels are placed in a matching database and are contacted when a cancer fighter or caregiver seeking support registers for a match and has had that particular experience or type of cancer.

Once you have completed the online form, an Imerman Angels specialist will contact you. Be on the lookout for an email or phone call from an Imerman Angels specialist. Use the links below.

Become a Mentor Angel

Become a Caregiver Mentor Angel

Note: All registrants will be contacted by an Imerman Angels specialist. The service is free and helps everyone touched by cancer. All Mentor Angels are properly screened and trained. We ask that you only register yourself.

About Imerman ​​​​Angels

Imerman Angels was created in the belief that no one should have to face cancer alone and without the necessary support. Through a unique matching process, Imerman Angels partners anyone experiencing cancer who is seeking support with someone just like them – a “Mentor Angel”. A Mentor Angel is a cancer survivor or caregiver who most importantly has faced the same type of cancer. The global service is free and helps anyone touched by any type of cancer, at any cancer stage, at any age, and living anywhere in the world. Mentor Angels may lend support and empathy, and help cancer fighters and caregivers navigate the system, determine their options, and create their own support systems.