EMDR Therapy Techniques & Information

EMDR therapy, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy, was first used and recorded in the late 1980s and was developed by Francine Shapiro, an American psychologist. In some ways, EMDR therapy can be compared to cognitive behavioral therapy, which involves acknowledging and working through traumatic or stressful incidents. Doctors now use this therapy for…

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Self-Discovery for Him with the Satisfyer for Men

One of the biggest parts of reclaiming your intimacy after an event that has altered your “normal” sexual and intimate routines, is simply getting to know your own body again. So often after cancer, illness, or long-term use of medications, things change, and pleasureful areas might not be filled with as many good feelings as…

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Breast & Chest Massage for Pain Relief and Healing

If you suffer from discomfort, soreness, or pain in the chest area due to cancer, surgeries, or illness the breast massager can help to naturally alleviate those difficult symptoms. This unique device is a gentle, extremely soft and flexible stimulator that rests directly on the chest. It has two ‘cups’ that are moveable to the…

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Vaginal Dilators & Vaginal Dilator Therapy

A vaginal dilator is a tube-like device that is used to stretch and reopen the vagina. These can be prescribed or suggested by your medical care team for a varying array of reasons. Those reasons could be anything from menopause to surgery, surgery for cancer, vaginal health or even vaginal atrophy. They are made from…

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Lung Cancer: Early Signs, Symptoms & Prevention 

Lung cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the lungs, which are two spongy organs in your chest that take in oxygen when you inhale, and release carbon dioxide when you exhale. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States and affects both men and women. This cancer…

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Migraines & Cancer

While migraines are not a direct cause of cancer, they can be something people who have brain cancer have reported, along with those cancer patients going through treatment as a common side effect. Those migraines and headaches that are related to cancer often cause pain on one or both sides of the head. This pain…

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PRIDE! LGBTQIA+ Rights Today

In today’s world, there are Pride parades, marches, and festivals in most all states in June, and throughout the year. Since 2013, the Chicago Pride Festivals have drawn more than one million people, and the size of all festivities grows in numbers by the thousands every year, with each event. The country has come a…

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Genital Lymphedema Information

Lymphedema hinders many aspects of life, including intimacy and sex. While many lymphedema patients feel that intimacy and sex acts are simply too challenging to attempt while dealing with the condition, the truth is that with the right tools and resources, even with lymphedema, some intimate connection and pleasure can indeed be found! How does…

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