Raynaud’s Phenomenon Information

Raynaud’s Phenomenon is a rare disease that affects the blood vessels in the body. Affecting the fingers, toes, and occasionally the ears, nose, and chin, it is visible by the discoloration and bone-chillingly cold feel on the skin. This happens because the blood vessels narrow when one begins to feel stressed or is tripped by…

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Barrett’s Esophagus Information

Barrett’s esophagus is normally diagnosed in those who have had a hard run with gastrointestinal issues and long-term gastroesophageal reflux disease. In Barrett’s esophagus, the tissue in the cylinder-like muscle that connects your stomach to your mouth is replaced by tissue that is like what is found in your intestinal lining. Barrett’s esophagus is associated…

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Interstitial Cystitis & Intimacy

Interstitial cystitis is a painful bladder condition, called IC or BPS (bladder pain syndrome), and can consist of a variety of symptoms. Many patients facing IC have recurring pelvic pain, urinary frequency and urgency (needing to go often, with a strong need to go), and pressure. Along with the tags IC and BPS, this condition…

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Pelvic Pain Information

Pelvic pain is a common problem for women as well as men. There are varying circumstances that can cause a person to feel continuous or intermittent pelvic pain. Some of the most common issues for pelvic pain are cancer, cancer treatment, systemic issues, surface layer tissue issues, the body’s design, nerve issues, hormones, and the…

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Lung Cancer: Early Signs, Symptoms & Prevention 

Lung cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the lungs, which are two spongy organs in your chest that take in oxygen when you inhale, and release carbon dioxide when you exhale. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States and affects both men and women. This cancer…

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Migraines & Cancer

While migraines are not a direct cause of cancer, they can be something people who have brain cancer have reported, along with those cancer patients going through treatment as a common side effect. Those migraines and headaches that are related to cancer often cause pain on one or both sides of the head. This pain…

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Genital Lymphedema Information

Lymphedema hinders many aspects of life, including intimacy and sex. While many lymphedema patients feel that intimacy and sex acts are simply too challenging to attempt while dealing with the condition, the truth is that with the right tools and resources, even with lymphedema, some intimate connection and pleasure can indeed be found! How does…

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Intimacy and Lymphedema

What is lymphedema? Lymphedema is the swelling of tissues in the body from a build up of protein-filled fluid that is normally drained naturally through the body’s lymphatic system. Most seen in the arms or legs, individuals can experience lymphedema in nearly any area of the body including the abdomen and genitals. Lymphedema can be…

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