HIV & AIDS Resources and Information

This information on HIV and AIDS has been compiled here with links and citations for those who might need it or lose access in other ways or on other platforms. This article is for informational purposes only. From the CDC: Overview HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system. Without…

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Best Foreplay Tips for Men

Foreplay is something that doesn’t come easily for all men. Some need a bit of guidance to better understand just what will work and will not work regarding pleasure. Foreplay can be helpful for those males who are working on reclaiming their intimacy after illness, cancer, or loss of sexual function. It also helps to…

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How does Genetic Testing help with Breast Cancer?

In recent studies, certain genetic traits have been linked to certain types of breast cancer. Most commonly connected to the BRCA1, BRCA2, and the PALB2 gene mutations, there are many new genetic markers being discovered that have proven linked to breast and other types of cancer. It is estimated that nearly one out of every…

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Breast Cancer Reconstruction Information

In many cases, women are not entirely sure of their options after cancer and mastectomies. Breast reconstruction is a surgical process which helps to reshape and redefine the breasts through various plastic surgical methods. Although this surgery gives the look of natural breasts and can mentally help you regain your confidence to heal, there are…

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Breast Cancer Burnout

Amongst women, breast cancer is the most common type of cancer diagnosed today. There is also a growing trend with more men facing down breast cancer, too, making this a cancer that both genders battle. The American Cancer Society says that, as of 2016, over 60,000 women will develop and die from breast cancer. For…

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Breast Cancer: Right now, You are Not Alone.

An Original Writing by Jen Fecher Being diagnosed with breast cancer can seem like the loneliest, most confusing time on the planet. It will take you time to navigate these new waters, and experience all the waves that will rush towards you. You will need your own personal adjustment time to your treatment plan, and…

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Mammography: Breasts, Benefits & Risks

While mammography is not a cure all tool in terms of breast cancer, it can be a useful tool in helping with early diagnosis and detection in many. Mammography is the x-ray imaging of your breasts to check for lumps, bumps, and any other abnormality. The earlier the detection, the greater the chance that the…

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The Many Types of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer can begin anywhere in the breast. This means the ducts, the lobes, and in some cases, the tissue in between. In this article you can learn briefly about each type of breast cancer and how it can affect you. This list includes non-invasive, invasive, and metastatic breast cancers. Breast cancer can touch the…

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