It’s Melanoma Monday!

Each year, the month of May is dedicated to Melanoma awareness. This includes the special day titled, Melanoma Monday, which occurs on the first Monday of the month and is geared towards the education and empowerment of sharing facts about melanoma. Melanoma is one of the deadliest types of skin cancer affecting populations across the…

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Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Awareness Month

Each year in May, the entire month is dedicated to skin cancer detection and prevention! During this very important month, patients, survivors, their caretakers and support teams, along with their medical care teams and board-certified dermatologists are all recognized and highlighted for the work that they do for those who develop and fight skin cancer.…

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Are you Safe in the Summer Sun?

August is sun safety month! Naturally, you will most likely spend lots of time outdoors with your friends and family on those warm summer days. It should also be a natural step to ensure that you are taking good care of your skin and protecting yourself from the sun’s rays every time you go outside!…

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