An Original Writing by Jen Fecher Being diagnosed with breast cancer can seem like the loneliest, most confusing time on the planet. It will take you time to navigate these new waters, and experience all the waves that will rush towards you. You will need your own personal adjustment time to your treatment plan, and…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...While mammography is not a cure all tool in terms of breast cancer, it can be a useful tool in helping with early diagnosis and detection in many. Mammography is the x-ray imaging of your breasts to check for lumps, bumps, and any other abnormality. The earlier the detection, the greater the chance that the…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Breast cancer can begin anywhere in the breast. This means the ducts, the lobes, and in some cases, the tissue in between. In this article you can learn briefly about each type of breast cancer and how it can affect you. This list includes non-invasive, invasive, and metastatic breast cancers. Breast cancer can touch the…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...There are many breast conditions that are not cancer, or pre-cancer, and are benign. Many of the non-cancerous breast conditions are common and many women live with them without ever knowing they even have them. Benign breast conditions are not life threatening, but some conditions can be linked as being a precursor for breast cancer…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Ostomies are designed to step in on certain medical situations or chaos to be a life-saving intervention to allow body waste to freely leave the body through a stoma in the abdomen. There are three standard types of ostomies: colostomy, ileostomy, and urostomy. A colostomy is done along the colon, an ileostomy is created near…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...In many situations you may hear how women tend to lose their sex drive with menopause, after childbirth, or during long segments of time while raising children. We do not hear of men’s sex drive often unless it is being referenced with erectile dysfunction. The truth is, a man’s sex drive can be affected by…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...The effects of a weakened pelvic floor can affect males just as much as females. The pelvic floor is designed to help to control bladder and bowel function, hold important abdominal organs and muscles, and helps to control orgasms and erectile potential. If your pelvic floor has weakened for any reason- cancer, illness, age, hormone…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Lupus patients often struggle with intimacy and sexual activity because they fear that their issues will be rejected by their partners, cause flares in their condition, or worsen their condition causing the need for medical intervention. Their mental outlook often suffers for fear of these same reasons. Here you can learn about Lupus and intimacy,…
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