Tips to Avoid Breast Cancer     

Every October brings an entire month dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer, and the risk factors and lifestyle activities that can increase your overall chance of developing this type of cancer. The American Cancer Society, along with numerous other cancer-related agencies and groups across America come together to raise funds, awareness and relight the…

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The Effects of Cancer in Young Adulthood including Sexual Health

While cancer does not discriminate- even with age, those who face cancer in their youth or early adulthood face a life-long battle with the after-effects and intimacy, which can hinder every aspect of life and living thereafter. This is why addressing the most common issues early in treatment can better help the patient know what…

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Fertility Preservation: The Basics

Cancer treatment and certain treatments for long-term disorders can have a major impact on fertility, which can impact the ability for people to become pregnant in the future. Fertility preservation is a procedure, or group of procedures, done to help keep a person’s ability to have children. Some examples of fertility preservation are sperm banking,…

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National Cancer Control Month

National Cancer Control Month happens every year in April, when all forms of cancer prevention are brought to light. It may seem redundant having yet another month and the focus on yet another cancer, but the decline in rates of cancer found in the world cancer statistics would show otherwise. The rates of newly diagnosed…

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Erectile Dysfunction & Pornography

Does pornography cause or worsen erectile dysfunction? That depends on who you ask, and which study you believe. Here we will discuss both sides of the issue, and facts about erectile dysfunction. In recent years, numerous studies have been conducted, and both proven and disproved, that more frequent watching of pornography can lead to erectile…

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Being Indigent with Cancer & Illness

Many people in our world face a cancer or progressive illness diagnosis with no insurance and often no stable job with a source of income. Without income, facing the costs of hospital care, medications and treatment can be life-stopping and leave many wondering how they will ever be able to fight for their lives if…

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Vulvar Eczema & Dermatitis

For vulva owners, many are steered to believe that any “itch” must be a yeast infection, or some form of hormonal imbalance. The truth is, there are numerous reasons why one’s vulva may have this issue. When we think of “skin care,” we often immediately think of our faces. We moisturize, apply special creams and…

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Building & Strengthening Emotional Intimacy in a Relationship

There are various types of intimacy that ebb and flow in and out of every one of our personal relationships. Emotional intimacy is the psychological connection in a relationship that allows both parties to feel secure and safe to express vulnerability. It is essential in strong, stable relationships, and helps to lay the foundation for…

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