Medical Diagnoses & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is an anxiety disorder that can be triggered by a whole host of things. Many people are diagnosed with PTSD after serving time in the military with war syndrome, or even the stress brought on by physical or sexual abuse. Other worldly events like natural disasters, serious accidents, and violent…

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Should I be having Safe Sex during my Cancer Treatment?

The first question many people ask when beginning their cancer treatment is, “Can I still have sex with my partner during this treatment?” The answer, unless you have a physical limitation, should always be YES! Most all specialists report advising their patients to find intimacy and try to have the most “regular” routines now, just…

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Patient Chats: How to Talk to your Patients about Sexual Dysfunction- for Medical Professionals

Discussing intimacy, sexual dysfunction, and sexual health can be uncomfortable for individuals and is often simply completely left out of the scope of patient care. These issues are a hefty part of the human condition, how we were made, and the things that we were created to need. By addressing topics like intimacy, sexual health,…

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Endometriosis, The Basics

The World Health Organization lists endometriosis as one of the top twenty most painful conditions that exist in the world affecting women daily. It is also one of the most misunderstood, misdiagnosed, under-discussed conditions around. Many women are gaslit or ignored for years before any real diagnosis occurs, or treatment begins. And by this time,…

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Information Packet: Neo-Vaginal Dilation Therapy

Vaginas often require a lot of work to maintain- beyond shaving. Dilator therapy is a holistic therapy used to assist in maintaining the function and pliability of the vagina. This is also true for those with a neo-vagina, or a vagina made of other tissues, intestines, or done during gender reassignment surgeries, called a vaginoplasty.…

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The Basic Common Conditions of the Penis

While the topics of erections, erectile dysfunction and penile problems are highly advertised with medications on television in the USA, and the mentions of penises, male members, dicks and balls occurs multiple time in a half-hour sitcom show- it is truly amazing that at the same time, so many men are completely unaware of the…

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Is Sex and Intimacy allowed with the Risk of COvid19?

~ In this new world of pandemic viruses and ensuring to help flatten the curve, many people are asking about intercourse and intimate activities with their partners. The good news is, most all government agencies are stating that you are safe to have close contact relations with your live-in partner, if all have no signs…

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Penis Pump & Vacuum System Benefits for Men

These handy vacuum pumps are very beneficial and productive for those males who are experiencing any level of erectile dysfunction, a common type of sexual dysfunction for penis owners. These pumps give a temporary enlargement, lengthening, and girth enhancement and helps the user be able to participate in penetrative sex acts. If you are having…

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