Cancer and Suicide

This is a topic and fact of cancer that is not often spoken about, but that takes the lives of six percent of those patients diagnosed with cancer. That topic is suicide. While we do not hear about cancer and suicide as often as we should, the rate of suicide among those cancer patients who…

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Grieving the Loss of the Self with Cancer & Illness

Grieving is defined as, “feel grief for or because of,” and “cause great distress to (someone)” (Oxford dictionary). Grief is a natural reaction to loss and is a very personal experience for every individual. Mourning the loss of self is a healing action that helps to progress us past complex and chaotic events in life.…

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Feeding Tubes and Intimacy

Malnutrition is a real side effect for many patients fighting for their lives against cancer and many other illnesses. Malnutrition happens because of the body’s inability to keep in or get enough caloric value to help keep the body healthy. There are many methods of treatment before a feeding tube is placed for nutrition and…

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Nutrition & Cancer Coping with Treatment-Related Fatigue

Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms and side effects from cancer treatment, right up there next to nausea and vomiting. It is a recognized side effect of many medical procedures, surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation, biotherapy, and hormonal therapy. Many studies state that nine out of ten patients experience fatigue at varying levels throughout their…

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Partner Support & Strategies 

Even the strongest, longest lasting relationships face struggle and strife in the light of cancer and treatment. The diagnosis of, treatment and living with cancer and long-term illness will cause a major strain in your life and that of your partner’s life. You may have different feelings, thoughts and coping mechanisms as the patient than…

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National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know that one in seventy-eight women will develop ovarian cancer in her lifetime? Or that your regular Pap smear test does not catch ovarian cancer? Or did you know that this cancer, when caught early, also has over a ninety-percent survival rate? Ovarian cancer does not only affect women, in that everyone is…

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Reclaiming the Self: The After-Cancer Emotions & Feelings

After your treatment ends, and before your excitement begins, you may begin to feel emotions and feelings you were not expecting. In many cases, these emotions are positive and tell your warrior story of battling through cancer and winning in the end. You may experience euphoric feelings of health, serenity and being able to plan…

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Cancer and Getting your College Education

Once you have obtained your cancer diagnosis, one of your main concerns may be how to handle school or college for yourself, your family member, or your child. With treatment, side effects and down time, this can greatly affect the ability to get a quality education. You may find yourself or your child needing to…

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