Pelvic floor hypertonic disorder is a condition in which the pelvic floor remains in a contracted position, which puts the organs and reproductive system under great pressure every day. With this condition, blood flow is decreased, which can cause the environment to become acidic, which can then begin an inflammatory cascade of side effects. When…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...If you have had cervical cancer, your doctor most likely treated you with one of the following methods: cryosurgery, laser surgery, conization, or a hysterectomy. Any or all these methods can cause internal scar tissue and muscle damage left after surgery and treatment which both have the potential to cause discomfort, tight and unmovable tissues,…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Incontinence, or loss of urinary control and in some cases defecation control, can be one of the most difficult and common conditions to live with for both men and women. Incontinence can be caused by a myriad of things including medications, illness, cancer, surgery, stress, and aging. Neurological issues such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease,…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Pelvic floor hypertonic disorder is a condition in which the pelvic floor remains in a contracted position, which puts the organs and reproductive system under great pressure every day. With this condition, blood flow is decreased, which can cause the environment to become acidic, which can then begin an inflammatory cascade of side effects. When…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...For many female reproduction system owners, there are many issues that might arise that require pelvic floor therapy. This therapy is designed to help strengthen, or relax, the pelvic floor which is responsible for bladder and bowel control, intimacy and orgasm function, internal organ support, and more. For certain types of therapy, inserting a wand-like…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...We recently welcomed Dr. Riva Preil from Revitalize Physical Therapy to our Empowering Intimacy partner group. She offers a myriad of information and knowledge regarding women’s pelvic health & issues that arise throughout a woman’s lifespan. Her book, The Inside Story, gives an expansive and insightful base for vagina-owners to better understand their bodies and…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...For many women, uterine health and pelvic floor management depend on such occurrences as childbirth, cancer, reconstructive surgery, aging, and more. Hysterectomies, oophorectomies, chemotherapy, and radiation are also high on the list of offenders because they contribute to hardening and weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. One of the simplest designs can completely reverse the…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...For women facing pelvic floor dysfunction, various issues like organ prolapse, bladder or bowel incontinence, and sexual dysfunction could be hindering life. Kegel exercise is a simple method of pelvic floor, genital, and abdominal muscle exercise to help stave off some of those issues. Kegel exercisers, or “Kegel balls,” have been around for hundreds of…
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