In many situations you may hear how women tend to lose their sex drive with menopause, after childbirth, or during long segments of time while raising children. We do not hear of men’s sex drive often unless it is being referenced with erectile dysfunction. The truth is, a man’s sex drive can be affected by…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Cancer not only interrupts your life but also brings a large side order of stress, regardless of if you have ordered it willingly, or not. Stress is how your body responds to threats, triggers, demands or changes. These stressors that can hinder the cancer patient’s life are adjustments to diagnosis and treatment, managing finances, relationships,…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...For those hearing their cancer diagnosis for the first time, it can be a devastating and utterly life changing moment. Not only is your body damage and full of this potential killer, but your psyche is also instantly altered. In today’s day and age, cancer is no longer simply the “c” word, and awareness and…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...The side effects of cancer treatment are traumatic for any patient, and most all those patients who undergo chemotherapy treatment report that “chemo brain” is a very prevalent and annoying side effect they deal with. Other issues those patients on chemotherapy face are decreased neurocognitive function, fatigue, and social issues. Because chemotherapy is toxic to…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...After your cancer treatment ends, you may find yourself lost in a fog of the “old” life you remember. Things that once brought a smile to your lips are now just something else that happened on a regular day. Many people believe that once the treatment is done, you will simply bounce back into your…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...For those hearing of their cancer diagnosis for the first time, it can be a devastating and a life changing moment. Not only is your body damaged and full of this potential killer, but your mental health is also instantly altered. In today’s day and age, cancer is no longer simply the a word, and…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Kyle Miron is not only a brain cancer survivor, but also a local to Indiana. After his successful battle against brain cancer, he became a cancer advocate and authored the book, “Brain Status Unremarkable” to highlight his methods, tips, and thought process living with cancer. One of his favorite quotes, from the movie The Departed,…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...The feelings of emptiness in your chest and mind. The feelings of being directionless and lost. The intense feelings of worry and resentment. All of these feelings, and more, are a normal part of grief and grieving after a new medical diagnosis. With each diagnosis, the loss of the individual’s “normal” sense of life and…
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