Depression and Intimacy

Depression is something that many humans are faced with. It is recorded that over 350,000,000 people across the globe suffer from a myriad of types and levels of depression which affects their everyday lives (Oncology Times). Depression is a serious and common medical illness that affects the way you think about life and yourself negatively,…

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What is Medical PTSD?

PTSD, or post traumatic stress disorder, is a condition that arises after any aged human experiences or witnesses a traumatic event. These types of traumatic events could be a serious accident, rape, war or terrorism, violent personal assault, or even natural disasters. In recent years, the term “medical PTSD” has arisen and is now considered…

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Cancer, Depression and Panic Attacks

When you are faced with a terminal illness or cancer diagnosis, it can seem like the entire world is suddenly coming at you and there is just nowhere to turn. Being diagnosed with heavy, life-altering news is never easy for anyone, and can bring on the common feelings of depression, anxiety, fear, guilt and so…

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Cancer and Suicide

This is a topic and fact of cancer that is not often spoken about, but that takes the lives of six percent of those patients diagnosed with cancer. That topic is suicide. While we do not hear about cancer and suicide as often as we should, the rate of suicide among those cancer patients who…

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