Waking up in a cold, drenching sweat is never the way anyone imagines waking from a restful night’s sleep. In many cases, night sweats are just that- the body’s overheating and cooling process taken to an extreme for the night. In other cases, these types of sweating events can be a sign of something more…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Menopause- the nemesis of many women. It’s that tricky thing that many women call the “terrible phase” of life that no women ever seem to really want to discuss. Even less men will address the issues often happening right in front of them to their partner. Truth be told, menopause is not a picnic nor…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...With menopause comes a variety of side effects, issues, and problems that can directly affect sexual function, causing bouts of dysfunction. Some of these issues and effects may improve over time, or with the help from medications. Some of the most common side effects and issues that accompany menopause are: If you are struggling with…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Menopause is the cessation of ovarian function in the female life cycle. It is most often diagnosed in menstruators over 45 years based on a person’s symptoms and changes in cycle. The diagnosis is obvious if a person has had their ovaries removed, or damaged in some altering way. In some cases, a “symptom score…
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