Awakening the Body: Arousal & Sensuality

~ There are many things that affect how your body reacts to intimacy, sensuality, and sexuality. Some of these include stress, illness, cancer, medical treatment, life happenstance, and relational status. Many people find themselves struggling with arousal for various reasons, but those folks are also unaware of the different styles of arousal. Many sexperts and…

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The Role of the Pharmacist

Through your treatment journey with cancer or illness, you will get to know your pharmacist as you fill and carry out your treatment plans. This leads some people to wonder what the role of the pharmacist is in the grand scheme of medical care. Here we will highlight the different jobs, duties and tasks carried…

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Pelvic Pain Information

Pelvic pain is a common problem for women as well as men. There are varying circumstances that can cause a person to feel continuous or intermittent pelvic pain. Some of the most common issues for pelvic pain are cancer, cancer treatment, systemic issues, surface layer tissue issues, the body’s design, nerve issues, hormones, and the…

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EMDR Therapy Techniques & Information

EMDR therapy, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy, was first used and recorded in the late 1980s and was developed by Francine Shapiro, an American psychologist. In some ways, EMDR therapy can be compared to cognitive behavioral therapy, which involves acknowledging and working through traumatic or stressful incidents. Doctors now use this therapy for…

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Healthy Lung Month

How often do you stop and think about the very breath you are taking? If you are like most, probably not very often! As humans, we rarely think about the act of being able to breathe, unless it becomes hard to do. This is why the entire month of October is designated to Healthy Lung…

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Lung Cancer: Early Signs, Symptoms & Prevention 

Lung cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the lungs, which are two spongy organs in your chest that take in oxygen when you inhale, and release carbon dioxide when you exhale. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States and affects both men and women. This cancer…

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Caregiving: When Teamwork gets Rough

Your caregiving team is most likely made up of your close family and friends, all of whom have different relationships with the patient than your own. Some of the people assisting with your patient might have years of friendship or relationship turmoil that you are not aware of. Siblings in a caregiving situation may have…

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Caregiving: Tips for Staying Sane

As a beginning caregiver, you may have an overwhelming number of tasks to do, documents and medical records to find and file, and details to track. You might also be managing the legal, financial, and medical plans for your patient, along with their doctor’s appointments, therapists, medical tests, and appointments; household matters, milestones, memories; personal…

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