Stomach Cancer Awareness Month

November is stomach cancer awareness month, which is very ironic considering it is one of the months with the most focus on and being known for the pleasure of eating, especially around Thanksgiving! This month also helps to raise awareness about gastric cancers. November can be one of the most challenging months for people with…

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Metastatic Cancer

One of the things that makes cancer so deadly is that it has the ability to spread throughout the body without warning. Cancer cells can spread by moving into nearby normal tissues and muscles and spread regionally to lymph nodes and organs. It can also travel the length of the body beginning in the chest…

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Information on Melanoma

About Melanoma The American Cancer Society statistics for 2018 state that over 200,000 people will be newly diagnosed with melanoma. Melanoma is one of the most dangerous types of skin cancer and occurs most often when ultraviolet radiation from the sun or tanning beds or genetic mutations allow the skin cells to multiply and grow…

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Inflammation & Cancer

Inflammation is the body’s natural mechanism to react to an infection or injury. Without inflammation, our bodies would not be able to process or function as they do. This is why many doctors and medical organizations back the facts that inflammation can be both helpful and harmful within our bodies. Inflammation is not just one…

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Carcinoma of Unknown Origin Primary (CUP) Cancer

Carcinoma of unknown origin primary, or CUP, is a rare disease where malignant cancer cells are found in the body but the original place the cancer began is unknown. Cancer cells can form in any tissue or area of the body. Primary cancer refers to the original place where the cancer began to grow before…

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Cancer Prevention

Almost one out of three people will get some type of malignant cancer during their lifetime. Setting these statistics aside, there has been great progress in understanding how certain cancers begin and the biology of how this is happening. This has helped to improve overall treatment plans thusly lengthening life spans and the survival rates…

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Tips to Avoid Breast Cancer     

Every October brings an entire month dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer, and the risk factors and lifestyle activities that can increase your overall chance of developing this type of cancer. The American Cancer Society, along with numerous other cancer-related agencies and groups across America come together to raise funds, awareness and relight the…

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The Effects of Cancer in Young Adulthood including Sexual Health

While cancer does not discriminate- even with age, those who face cancer in their youth or early adulthood face a life-long battle with the after-effects and intimacy, which can hinder every aspect of life and living thereafter. This is why addressing the most common issues early in treatment can better help the patient know what…

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