Best Foreplay Tips for Men

Foreplay is something that doesn’t come easily for all men. Some need a bit of guidance to better understand just what will work and will not work regarding pleasure. Foreplay can be helpful for those males who are working on reclaiming their intimacy after illness, cancer, or loss of sexual function. It also helps to…

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Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Every day in the United States, over fifty families hear the words, “your child has cancer” and are left wondering which way to turn and what to do next. Each week, over a dozen families bury their children from childhood cancer. Every year in the United States more than sixteen-thousand children and young adults are…

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Take a Loved One to the Doctor Day

Take a Loved One to the Doctor Day is recognized each September on the third Tuesday of the month. Beginning in 2002, this day was created to help others help their loved ones get the medical care and treatment that they deserve and desperately need. This day was made for those populations of people who…

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Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month

Each September brings Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month which is a worldwide recognition and educational awareness campaign designed to raise the knowledge about this type of cancer and funds to help find a cure. Beginning in 2000 by the Thyroid Cancer Survivor’s Association during one week of the month, it has now expanded to the entire…

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Depression and Intimacy

Depression is something that many humans are faced with. It is recorded that over 350,000,000 people across the globe suffer from a myriad of types and levels of depression which affects their everyday lives (Oncology Times). Depression is a serious and common medical illness that affects the way you think about life and yourself negatively,…

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What is Medical PTSD?

PTSD, or post traumatic stress disorder, is a condition that arises after any aged human experiences or witnesses a traumatic event. These types of traumatic events could be a serious accident, rape, war or terrorism, violent personal assault, or even natural disasters. In recent years, the term “medical PTSD” has arisen and is now considered…

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Grieving the Loss of the Self with Cancer & Illness

Grieving is defined as, “feel grief for or because of,” and “cause great distress to (someone)” (Oxford dictionary). Grief is a natural reaction to loss and is a very personal experience for every individual. Mourning the loss of self is a healing action that helps to progress us past complex and chaotic events in life.…

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Feeding Tubes and Intimacy

Malnutrition is a real side effect for many patients fighting for their lives against cancer and many other illnesses. Malnutrition happens because of the body’s inability to keep in or get enough caloric value to help keep the body healthy. There are many methods of treatment before a feeding tube is placed for nutrition and…

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