The Little Pink Pill & Female “Viagra”

For many women facing low libido and lack of desire for intimacy or sex, the options of “female Viagra” have been life changing and reaffirming. Many things can affect hormone levels which incite the rise and fall, the ebb and flow of libido through the years. Some of these things are menopause, pregnancy, stress, relationships,…

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Men’s Libido: What’s Behind the Dysfunction?

In many situations you may hear how women tend to lose their sex drive with menopause, after childbirth, or during long segments of time while raising children. We do not hear of men’s sex drive often unless it is being referenced with erectile dysfunction. The truth is, a man’s sex drive can be affected by…

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How Prescription Medications & Drug Use can Change your Sex Drive

Our sex drive is perhaps the first thing to go, particularly when we are focused on and zeroed in on different things-like surviving life, adjusting to a new path, or remembering how to live, and it can vanish in an invisible moment. At numerous points in our life, we are faced with the need to…

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Sexual Dysfunction for Gay Men

Every man, regardless of their sexual orientation, culture, religion, biases, life status or anything else can face bouts of permanent variations of sexual dysfunction. The difference is that sexual health and dysfunction issues are not discussed with homosexual males due to their hesitation to approach the subjects because of the judgment that typically follows (Nat’l…

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Libido: Where do I Buy Some?

“Hey Empowering Intimacy, how do I find my libido?” Man, if it were as easy as telling you where you left it like your house keys, or your missing sock, we believe we would all be in a much calmer frame of mind. Unfortunately, finding and understanding your libido can be tricky, especially if you…

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Sexual Dysfunction is…

Sexual dysfunction is a problem that can happen to anyone, of any age, and interferes with and prevents one from experiencing satisfaction and/or release from sexual and intimate activities. Have you ever found yourself wondering why you couldn’t reach climax, even though you were ready and in the moment? Have you struggle to feel intimate…

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