Advance Health Care Directives

An advance health care directive is a sort of legal document that explains to your doctor and family about your wishes of your health care. There are different types of directives that apply to different situations. These directives are put in place so that if a time ever arises that you cannot speak for yourself,…

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April is Minority Cancer Awareness Month

April is Minority Cancer Awareness Month! helps to bring awareness and attention to those populations in our country that struggle to get cancer care, treatment, and the specialists they need to properly. Those ethnic groups are most often African Americans, Latinos and Hispanics. Cancer affects each culture, population, and minority group differently across the globe.…

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Pelvic Floor Hypertonic Disorder

Pelvic floor hypertonic disorder is a condition in which the pelvic floor remains in a contracted position, which puts the organs and reproductive system under great pressure every day. With this condition, blood flow is decreased, which can cause the environment to become acidic, which can then begin an inflammatory cascade of side effects. When…

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The Usefulness of & Benefits from Penis Pumps

Penis pumps are very beneficial for those penis owners who deal with erectile and sexual dysfunction for any reason. These pumps provide a temporary enlargement and lengthening of the penis and helps to maintain an erection for penetrative intercourse. There are other options for erection help, but many of those come with other side effects…

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Know the Difference: Lubrication & Vaginal Moisturizers

In addition to menopause, cancer treatment, prescription medications, and numerous other reasons, many women experience vaginal dryness as a symptom of certain medications, diabetes, and cancer treatment, as well as other health reasons (NIH). Fortunately, there are options available for providing comfort when it comes to the lack of moisture: vaginal lubricants and vaginal moisturizers.…

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Chemo Brain: Basic Tips to Break the Fog

The side effects of cancer treatment are traumatic for any patient, and most all those patients who undergo chemotherapy treatment report that “chemo brain” is a very prevalent and annoying side effect they deal with. Other issues those patients on chemotherapy face are decreased neurocognitive function, fatigue, and social issues.   Because chemotherapy is toxic to…

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Queer Women and Cervical Screening

In many medical situations, queer women are often disregarded or overlooked for very important cervical screenings that should be happening on a regular basis. If you are a person who has sex or intimate time with other women and are older than twenty-one, you should be being screened for cervical cancer yearly. Anyone who owns…

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How to have the “Coming Out” Talk with your Medical Care Team

If you are an LGBTQIA human, your doctors and medical care team should all be made aware. The conversation you will need to have can be brief and to the point, but if it is not had, you could be missing out on important and beneficial preventative care, treatments, or counseling you may qualify for.…

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