Lichen Sclerosus

Lichen sclerosus is a rare genital based skin condition that is itchy, painful, and changes the physical makeup of the vagina, labia, and anus. This does not only affect women, but also men and the head of the penis. This can create painful skin, touch, or sexual activities including intercourse. Lichen sclerosus is a chronic…

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Penis Captivus

Did you know that in certain conditions a penis CAN get stuck inside of a vagina? Pick your mouth up off the floor! It’s true that this rare condition can be problematic for many couples and occur for many different reasons. In short, during penetrative intercourse, the penis becomes stuck inside of the vagina or…

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Intimacy & Sexual Activity with an Ostomy

“Will an ostomy kill my sex life?” “Will I be able to enjoy and experience intimacy after my stoma is installed?” “Will my partner be turned off by my ostomy, stoma, or bag?” “How will we do…. Things, now?!” These are common questions asked by many ostomates in the beginning stages of adjusting to their…

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All About Colostomies

A colostomy is a procedure that surgically creates an opening in the abdomen, which is called a stoma, to allow waste to be expelled from the body via the large intestine. Colostomies are installed when the colon in damaged or diseased and can no longer function normally. Normal colon function can be hindered by many…

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What is a Stoma?

There are a variety of different types of stomas to help with various bodily functions in the face of illness, cancer, accident, or surgery. Stomas that are created to allow feeding tubes to be inserted into the intestines or stomach, and stomas that are designed to help with the removal of output as waste from…

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HIV & AIDS Resources and Information

This information on HIV and AIDS has been compiled here with links and citations for those who might need it or lose access in other ways or on other platforms. This article is for informational purposes only. From the CDC: Overview HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system. Without…

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LGBTQIA+: Is your Oncologist up to Speed with your Needs?

Cancer cells never discriminate and do not care what the patient’s color, creed or origin may be. But when a patient who identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning is diagnosed, they may have certain health needs or worries that their doctors are not expecting or prepared for. When it comes to patient…

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Breath Control for Women

Have you ever heard the saying, “Good sex is really simple- which is why it’s so damn complicated?” Seems pretty spot on though, doesn’t it? There are countless ways that we, as humans, can find pleasure and intimacy, and even more ways that we can work to enhance the pleasure that we feel. Everything from…

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