Male Incontinence & Kegel Exercise

The effects of a weakened pelvic floor can affect males just as much as females. The pelvic floor is designed to help to control bladder and bowel function, hold important abdominal organs and muscles, and helps to control orgasms and erectile potential. If your pelvic floor has weakened for any reason- cancer, illness, age, hormone…

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How do Kegel Balls Support the Pelvic Floor

For many women, uterine health and pelvic floor management depend on such occurrences as childbirth, cancer, reconstructive surgery, aging, and more. Hysterectomies, oophorectomies, chemotherapy, and radiation are also high on the list of offenders because they contribute to hardening and weakening of the pelvic floor muscles. One of the simplest designs can completely reverse the…

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Which “Kegel Balls” are Best for Kegel Exercise?

For women facing pelvic floor dysfunction, various issues like organ prolapse, bladder or bowel incontinence, and sexual dysfunction could be hindering life. Kegel exercise is a simple method of pelvic floor, genital, and abdominal muscle exercise to help stave off some of those issues. Kegel exercisers, or “Kegel balls,” have been around for hundreds of…

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