Cancer Prevention

Almost one out of three people will get some type of malignant cancer during their lifetime. Setting these statistics aside, there has been great progress in understanding how certain cancers begin and the biology of how this is happening. This has helped to improve overall treatment plans thusly lengthening life spans and the survival rates…

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Brain Cancer

Brain cancer begins with a mass of abnormal cell growth inside of the brain. There are many different types of brain tumors, some being malignant or cancerous, and others being benign or noncancerous. Many people end up with brain cancer after their original type of cancer metastasized into the brain. These types of metastasized tumors…

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Diet & Exercise Tips for Reducing your Risk of Prostate Cancer

Many people wonder what they can do to help reduce their overall risk for developing prostate cancer, so much so, that many doctors state that this is their top asked question: “how can I avoid getting cancer?” At this point, most patients hope that their doctor will simply hand over a list of fix-all’s with…

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Tips to Avoid Breast Cancer     

Every October brings an entire month dedicated to raising awareness about breast cancer, and the risk factors and lifestyle activities that can increase your overall chance of developing this type of cancer. The American Cancer Society, along with numerous other cancer-related agencies and groups across America come together to raise funds, awareness and relight the…

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Bladder Cancer

Cancer in the bladder is one of the more common cancers that affect over sixty-eight thousand humans across the United States every year. While bladder cancer typically affects more men than women, and older adults rather than the younger, it can happen at any age. This type of cancer begins in the urothelial cells that…

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The Effects of Cancer in Young Adulthood including Sexual Health

While cancer does not discriminate- even with age, those who face cancer in their youth or early adulthood face a life-long battle with the after-effects and intimacy, which can hinder every aspect of life and living thereafter. This is why addressing the most common issues early in treatment can better help the patient know what…

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National Mammography Day

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and the third Friday of the month is also National Mammography Day! First declared in 1993 by President Clinton, this day is designed to encourage all women to schedule their yearly mammography appointment without delay. In almost all the United States, there are also clinics and doctor’s offices who…

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Fertility Preservation: The Basics

Cancer treatment and certain treatments for long-term disorders can have a major impact on fertility, which can impact the ability for people to become pregnant in the future. Fertility preservation is a procedure, or group of procedures, done to help keep a person’s ability to have children. Some examples of fertility preservation are sperm banking,…

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