Being Indigent with Cancer & Illness

Many people in our world face a cancer or progressive illness diagnosis with no insurance and often no stable job with a source of income. Without income, facing the costs of hospital care, medications and treatment can be life-stopping and leave many wondering how they will ever be able to fight for their lives if…

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Why won’t my Insurance cover my Sexual Dysfunction treatment?

For those patients who are facing sexual dysfunction caused by their medical treatment plan, or as a side effect from a surgery or injury, they often find themselves fighting an uphill battle to regain and reclaim the right to their very own intimacy. In other cases, sexual dysfunction occurs as a side effect to another…

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What if my Insurance Denies my Claim?

Insurance companies do deny claims, sometimes without any reasoning. In some cases, they will not cover a test, procedure, service, or medication that your doctors have ordered. There are steps you can take with your insurance company to appeal against their initial decision. This also applies to Medicare and Medicaid. If your insurance plan refuses…

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Common Insurance Questions with Cancer-Related Sexual Health Devices & Prostheses

These questions and answers were compiled from some of the top insurance companies across the United States. Remember, you should always check with your own insurance provider for the exact coverage of your plan, as plans vary from person to person. This information is for educational and informative purposes only, and in no way solidifies…

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