The “Clogged” Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is a part of the circulatory system and a vital part of the immune system. This system is made of the glands, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus gland and tonsils. The lymph system has multiple interrelated functions. Some of those functions are: When the lymphatic system is out of balance or not working…

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Ostomies 101: The Various Types of Ostomies

Ostomies are designed to step in on certain medical situations or chaos to be a life-saving intervention to allow body waste to freely leave the body through a stoma in the abdomen. There are three standard types of ostomies: colostomy, ileostomy, and urostomy. A colostomy is done along the colon, an ileostomy is created near…

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Cultural and Religious Taboos Preventing Open Patient Communication affecting Care

In the years spent developing our Empowering Intimacy program, we have noted that many different groups, cultures, and creeds of people have numerous reasons for being unable or unwilling to express their thoughts, needs, wants, and desires about sexuality and intimacy. Even in the cases of those going through cancer treatment, where their bodies have been…

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Lupus & Intimacy

Lupus patients often struggle with intimacy and sexual activity because they fear that their issues will be rejected by their partners, cause flares in their condition, or worsen their condition causing the need for medical intervention. Their mental outlook often suffers for fear of these same reasons. Here you can learn about Lupus and intimacy,…

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Caregiver Grief: Losing your Patient

When someone in your family falls seriously ill, their families and friends pull together to support and care for their person through various methods of care. This might include home care, planning and carrying out of outside care providers and management of financial and insurance documentation, appointments with medical care teams and specialists, and surgical…

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Common Insurance Questions with Cancer-Related Sexual Health Devices & Prostheses

These questions and answers were compiled from some of the top insurance companies across the United States. Remember, you should always check with your own insurance provider for the exact coverage of your plan, as plans vary from person to person. This information is for educational and informative purposes only, and in no way solidifies…

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Organizations that Work to Support Caregivers

Caregiving is one of the most important and most exhausting jobs on the planet. Family caregivers are usually overwhelmed, overburdened and under-informed about the services that can be offered to them. Being whole means that caregiving will be done at your peak performance. If you are, or know, a struggling caregiver, share this list of…

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Chemo Brain: Basic Tips to Break the Fog

The side effects of cancer treatment are traumatic for any patient, and most all those patients who undergo chemotherapy treatment report that “chemo brain” is a very prevalent and annoying side effect they deal with. Other issues those patients on chemotherapy face are decreased neurocognitive function, fatigue, and social issues.   Because chemotherapy is toxic to…

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