Grieving the Loss of the Self with Cancer & Illness

Grieving is defined as, “feel grief for or because of,” and “cause great distress to (someone)” (Oxford dictionary). Grief is a natural reaction to loss and is a very personal experience for every individual. Mourning the loss of self is a healing action that helps to progress us past complex and chaotic events in life.…

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Self-Care after Cancer: The “New Normal”

After your cancer treatment ends, you may find yourself lost in a fog of the “old” life you remember. Things that once brought a smile to your lips are now just something else that happened on a regular day. Many people believe that once the treatment is done, you will simply bounce back into your…

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Stages of Grief with New Diagnoses

The feelings of emptiness in your chest and mind. The feelings of being directionless and lost. The intense feelings of worry and resentment. All of these feelings, and more, are a normal part of grief and grieving after a new medical diagnosis. With each diagnosis, the loss of the individual’s “normal” sense of life and…

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First Comes Diagnosis, Then Comes Grief

Everyone deals with grief at some point in their lives, as grief is a common barrel of feelings, emotions, and happenings. Grief is most associated with the loss of a loved one, serious accidents or changes in our life’s routine, extreme stress, loss of relationships, loss of sexual function, and so many more reasons. Grief…

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