The Effects of Cancer in Young Adulthood including Sexual Health

While cancer does not discriminate- even with age, those who face cancer in their youth or early adulthood face a life-long battle with the after-effects and intimacy, which can hinder every aspect of life and living thereafter. This is why addressing the most common issues early in treatment can better help the patient know what…

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Fertility Preservation: The Basics

Cancer treatment and certain treatments for long-term disorders can have a major impact on fertility, which can impact the ability for people to become pregnant in the future. Fertility preservation is a procedure, or group of procedures, done to help keep a person’s ability to have children. Some examples of fertility preservation are sperm banking,…

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International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is celebrated every March 8th, with a campaign that supports a cause important to women for the entire year. Each year offers up a new campaign designed to bring light and awareness to the gender-imbalance across the globe. This encompasses gender equality in the workspace, boardrooms, government, media, sports coverage, wealth, and…

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Vulvar Eczema & Dermatitis

For vulva owners, many are steered to believe that any “itch” must be a yeast infection, or some form of hormonal imbalance. The truth is, there are numerous reasons why one’s vulva may have this issue. When we think of “skin care,” we often immediately think of our faces. We moisturize, apply special creams and…

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Building & Strengthening Emotional Intimacy in a Relationship

There are various types of intimacy that ebb and flow in and out of every one of our personal relationships. Emotional intimacy is the psychological connection in a relationship that allows both parties to feel secure and safe to express vulnerability. It is essential in strong, stable relationships, and helps to lay the foundation for…

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Emotional Intimacy: How can I Connect with my Partner?

If you are new to learning about and working on your own emotional stability and intimacy, you might be stuck on where you should begin with your partner. Emotional intimacy is a vital part of a stable relationship and a form of intimacy that needs constant, consistent, steady “work.” These questions are a great place…

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Healthy Boundaries in Relationships

Boundaries are crucial for self-care, positive relationships, and defining what you will and will not tolerate as behavior within your relationships. Boundaries are our defined expectations of ourselves and others in all kinds of relationships. This includes what we will or will not tolerate, accept, “put up with,” or walk away from. A boundary is…

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Dating and Intimacy with Cancer

There are many phases of emotion and getting to know yourself again after your cancer diagnosis, and a repeat of the same again during and after treatment. Many single adults going through cancer treatment and therapies choose to avoid dating and the love scene until their treatments are completed. Many feel that the stress from…

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