Sjogren’s Syndrome & Intimacy

Sjogren’s Syndrome Overview  Sjogren’s syndrome is a systemic autoimmune condition that affects the lacrimal and salivary glands, which results in any moist body membrane or tissue to become overly dry. This disease can be a primary illness, or secondary to another illness or rheumatic disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and…

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Essential Questions to Ask your Patients about Sexual History & Dysfunction

In many situations, patients have questions that need answers, but lack the confidence or comfort to bring these topics up for themselves at their medical appointments. This is why it is vital to ensure that questions about sexual health, wellness, and any issues with sexual dysfunction are addressed by the medical professional or staff upon…

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Phexxi Details & Information

Phexxi is a new to the market birth control option that is hormone free. This contraceptive gel is put into the vagina before sexual intercourse occurs, which then lowers the pH of the vagina inhibiting the movement ability and action of the sperm. This action thus lessens the chance of the sperm reaching and fertilizing…

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What is Revaree?

There are many available products listed to help with painful vaginal dryness. Revaree is another of these options, and is made from hyaluronic acid, and is a hormone free treatment made for the treatment of vaginal atrophy. This is also helpful with vaginal dryness, itching, and dyspareunia crafted in a simple, easy-to-use insert. The main…

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Details & Information on the Mona Lisa Touch

For those patients who are suffering from sexual dysfunction, painful intercourse, vaginal dryness, incontinence, or other vaginal issues, the Mona Lisa Touch procedure may be for you. This is a new vaginal rejuvenation procedure that could help to improve your symptoms and provide long-lasting relief using no chemicals or hormones. As a female ages, her…

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Informed Consent

Informed consent is a major part of medical care and treatment, and many do not even know which part of their care this refers to. Most patients follow all their doctor’s advice and recommendations for treatment and care, but no one is ever required to follow their suggestions. If you are an adult seeking medical…

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Intimacy with HPV

The human papilloma virus, or HPV, plagues millions of people around the globe as one of the leading sexually transmitted infections. HPV can refer to one of over one hundred viruses that are linked to HPV and are passed through partners by skin-to-skin genital contact. Most often, this happens through unprotected oral, anal, and vaginal…

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Do I have a Normal Sex Life?

Maybe you are wondering how many times per week, per month or per year you “should be” having sexual intercourse or being intimate with your partner. At some point along the way in most all relationships, this question usually rears its ugly head. It is familiar to those professionals working in sexual therapy and sexual…

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