Underlying Causes & Triggers of Sexual Dysfunction for Men

Few times in conversation do the reasons that males experience sexual dysfunction really come to light, unless cancer or cancer treatment are the topics. Much like a woman’s sexual function is hindered by pregnancy, menopause, and life changes, a man’s drive can also be affected, or “canceled.” Sure, scientists have proven time and time again…

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What is Vaginal Atrophy?

Nearly every female person, at some point in their lifespan, will have a run in with vaginal atrophy. It’s uncomfortable, painful, alters daily life, hinders medical healing, and so many more life changing side effects and issues. The most common reasons women suffer from vaginal atrophy are menopause, childbirth, medications, cancer and treatment, illness, and…

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How Sexual Frustration Impacts Health & Life

The ambiance is perfect. Your heart is racing and the butterflies long ago left your stomach. Your body is primed and ready for action. But due to whatever setback- missing partner, mental roadblocks, sexual dysfunction- you cannot reach or achieve the sexual satisfaction you are seeking. You might try relentlessly, exhausting yourself with frustration to…

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Intimacy & Multiple Sclerosis

For those who are diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), they often face the hard work of figuring out their new “normal” in everyday life with everyday tasks, and with intimacy and sexual function issues. While intimacy and intimate acts have been proven time and time again to benefit the body and boost health by reducing…

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Medical Diagnoses & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is an anxiety disorder that can be triggered by a whole host of things. Many people are diagnosed with PTSD after serving time in the military with war syndrome, or even the stress brought on by physical or sexual abuse. Other worldly events like natural disasters, serious accidents, and violent…

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Should I be having Safe Sex during my Cancer Treatment?

The first question many people ask when beginning their cancer treatment is, “Can I still have sex with my partner during this treatment?” The answer, unless you have a physical limitation, should always be YES! Most all specialists report advising their patients to find intimacy and try to have the most “regular” routines now, just…

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Patient Chats: How to Talk to your Patients about Sexual Dysfunction- for Medical Professionals

Discussing intimacy, sexual dysfunction, and sexual health can be uncomfortable for individuals and is often simply completely left out of the scope of patient care. These issues are a hefty part of the human condition, how we were made, and the things that we were created to need. By addressing topics like intimacy, sexual health,…

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Sexual Wellness & Sexual Health

Sexual Wellness. Sexual Needs. Sexual Health. Sexual Desires. These words can often act as a trigger for many individuals, making them think of bedroom performance or being fit and ready for intercourse at any moment. Hearing these words, especially “wellness,” can make people feel like they can only have a “good” or “bad” sex life.…

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