Healthy Lung Month

How often do you stop and think about the very breath you are taking? If you are like most, probably not very often! As humans, we rarely think about the act of being able to breathe, unless it becomes hard to do. This is why the entire month of October is designated to Healthy Lung…

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Lung Cancer: Early Signs, Symptoms & Prevention 

Lung cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the lungs, which are two spongy organs in your chest that take in oxygen when you inhale, and release carbon dioxide when you exhale. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States and affects both men and women. This cancer…

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Resources for Caregivers

This resource list can be beneficial for caregivers when they need to reach out to an organization that specializes in their patient’s types of cancer or illness. Many of these organizations also have websites that you can find with a simple internet search to have even more information at your fingertips. If you are interested…

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Caregiving: When Teamwork gets Rough

Your caregiving team is most likely made up of your close family and friends, all of whom have different relationships with the patient than your own. Some of the people assisting with your patient might have years of friendship or relationship turmoil that you are not aware of. Siblings in a caregiving situation may have…

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Caregiving & Cancer: Your New Roles

With almost two million new cases of cancer per year in the United States this year alone, many patients will eventually require or need the support from their family and friends in the form of a caregiver. Statistics show that family caregivers form the base of the American health care system, as their support help…

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Caregiving: Cancer, Marriage & Resentments

In the time around a person’s cancer diagnosis, the spouse or partner is still all-in and on board, being invested and working towards having their loved one back on their feet and helping them to work through their illness. Many times, couples go to every appointment together and the caregiving partner naturally steps up to…

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Migraines & Cancer

While migraines are not a direct cause of cancer, they can be something people who have brain cancer have reported, along with those cancer patients going through treatment as a common side effect. Those migraines and headaches that are related to cancer often cause pain on one or both sides of the head. This pain…

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Breast Cancer Prosthesis & Inserts: Part 4: Questions

You may find that you have more questions about the process, the insert, or how to be more comfortable wearing your prosthesis. You can always reach out to your local breast cancer center advocates, nurses, or your breast prosthesis fitter. Here are questions you may want to consider: Questions for your breast insert fitter: Questions…

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