Many experts, specialists and doctors now recommend that most people with cancer, or a history of cancer, do get the COVID-19 vaccine once it is available to them, and once their medical care team gives them the go-ahead. The main issues with giving cancer patients the vaccine is not exactly the vaccine’s safety for those…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...The global pandemic is having a serious impact on the cancer community, families and caretakers. As health officials continue to stress the importance of staying at home to help flatten the curve and wearing a face mask or covering whenever out in public, the stress and worry in many patients continues to rise. Cancer patients…
To Finish Reading, Click Here...Many cancer patients are feeling extra worry, anxiety and fear while facing the news of the growing rates in positive COvid-19 tests and the rising death toll. And while there are many people facing grim outcomes, there are also thousands of people recovering from this virus as well. For cancer patients, the fear of contracting…
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