Intimacy & Sexual Activity with an Ostomy

“Will an ostomy kill my sex life?” “Will I be able to enjoy and experience intimacy after my stoma is installed?” “Will my partner be turned off by my ostomy, stoma, or bag?” “How will we do…. Things, now?!” These are common questions asked by many ostomates in the beginning stages of adjusting to their…

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All About Colostomies

A colostomy is a procedure that surgically creates an opening in the abdomen, which is called a stoma, to allow waste to be expelled from the body via the large intestine. Colostomies are installed when the colon in damaged or diseased and can no longer function normally. Normal colon function can be hindered by many…

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Ostomies: Key Terms, Words & Things to Know

If you are new to ostomy life, or learning to benefit yourself and someone you love, understanding these words can be very helpful in navigating this new lifestyle. For some, ostomies are a temporary fix to allow the body to settle and for others, ostomies are a permanent part of their everyday lives.   Accessory.…

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