Cancer Facts and Tips for Men

In our world, medical information speeds up as fast as a bullet, with more advances, new technologies and treatment plans than we can keep up with. For men, medical advice can come from anyone between your spouse, your neighbor, your mother, and your boss, and it could be that none of them are exactly right.…

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Marriage and Cancer

In the days and weeks after your cancer diagnosis, your spouse or partner will be your closest ally. They will sit with you, attend appointments with you, and educate themselves on your conditions. Your partner may even sit through your chemotherapy sessions with you, take care of the daily household chores, tend to your children,…

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Cancer, Long-Term Illness, and Divorce

Any cancer or long-term illness diagnosis can bring intense personal, physical and emotional challenges to the self, as well as creating these issues within a relationship or marriage. In many cases, the blame for separation or divorce is placed on the cancer itself and all the stress that came along with it. However, most therapists…

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Disclosure: Telling People you have Cancer: How Tos & Tips

After your initial diagnosis, you may require time to adjust to the new information and treatment plan before you share your news. Telling others that you have cancer is not an easy task. While you are dealing with your own emotions, you will have to cope with each person’s emotions you tell, as well. Depending…

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Cancer: Managing Stress

Anxiety and stress sideline most cancer treatments and are often impossible to completely shake. From the time of diagnosis, your stress levels may be higher than usual, and you may feel more anxious or stressed out about things that would normally not push you to the brink. During treatment, you may worry that your treatment…

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Cancer, Depression and Panic Attacks

When you are faced with a terminal illness or cancer diagnosis, it can seem like the entire world is suddenly coming at you and there is just nowhere to turn. Being diagnosed with heavy, life-altering news is never easy for anyone, and can bring on the common feelings of depression, anxiety, fear, guilt and so…

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Cancer and Suicide

This is a topic and fact of cancer that is not often spoken about, but that takes the lives of six percent of those patients diagnosed with cancer. That topic is suicide. While we do not hear about cancer and suicide as often as we should, the rate of suicide among those cancer patients who…

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Cancer and Nausea

One of the most common side effects and issues after cancer diagnosis and treatment is nausea and vomiting. There are many reasons that can make a person nauseous in varying degrees of severity. Nausea is not solely linked to cancer, and cancer is not solely linked to nausea. Hyperemesis Gravidarum is a severe nausea and…

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