Breast & Chest Massage for Pain Relief and Healing

If you suffer from discomfort, soreness, or pain in the chest area due to cancer, surgeries, or illness the breast massager can help to naturally alleviate those difficult symptoms. This unique device is a gentle, extremely soft and flexible stimulator that rests directly on the chest. It has two ‘cups’ that are moveable to the…

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Breast Cancer Prosthesis & Inserts: Part 4: Questions

You may find that you have more questions about the process, the insert, or how to be more comfortable wearing your prosthesis. You can always reach out to your local breast cancer center advocates, nurses, or your breast prosthesis fitter. Here are questions you may want to consider: Questions for your breast insert fitter: Questions…

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Breast Cancer Prosthesis & Inserts: Part 3: Traveling with Inserts & Costs to Expect

Once you get your breast prosthesis form, you might be concerned about traveling or going on vacation without knowing all the possible outcomes and situations that might arise. It is perfectly safe to wear and carry your prosthesis during all forms of travel, even air travel. When you are traveling through airports and security checkpoints,…

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Breast Cancer Prosthesis & Inserts: Part 2: The Proper Fitting

After you have determined which type of breast prosthesis or insert you want to try, you might want to consider having a proper fitting by a professional. These fittings usually take about an hour and give you the chance for a private, personal fitting where your questions can be answered, and your concerns put to…

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Breast Cancer Prosthesis & Inserts: Part 1: Things to Consider & How to Fit

Once you receive your breast cancer diagnosis and begin treatment, it will become time to think about how you want to deal with your body changes as they happen, especially if you are having a mastectomy or other form of breast surgery. There are numerous types of breast inserts on the market that can help…

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Breast Cancer Signs, Symptoms and Self-Checks

Knowing your body and breasts should be taught to all women from birth. This does not simply mean knowing your breast size or how they look, this also means knowing how they feel. The tissue differences, the nuances of each, and what is common or uncommon for you. Having regular breast checks, done by yourself…

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The Many Types of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer can begin anywhere in the breast. This means the ducts, the lobes, and in some cases, the tissue in between. In this article you can learn briefly about each type of breast cancer and how it can affect you. This list includes non-invasive, invasive, and metastatic breast cancers. Breast cancer can touch the…

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