Sexual Wellness.

Sexual Needs.

Sexual Health.

Sexual Desires.

These words can often act as a trigger for many individuals, making them think of bedroom performance or being fit and ready for intercourse at any moment. Hearing these words, especially “wellness,” can make people feel like they can only have a “good” or “bad” sex life. When in reality, sexual wellness is not at all referring to your actual physical sex life, the number of times you are having intercourse, or how “great” that sex might be.

Sexual health and wellness is defined by the Kinsey Institute as, “embracing and enjoying this vital part of our physical and emotional health in all things tied to our human being” (Kinsey). Being “healthy” in a sexual sense means you understand that sexuality is a natural part of life and involves much more than just sexual behaviors.

Respecting others’ sexual rights, having access to all pertinent information about sexual health, and education, as well as being able to protect yourself with safe sex against disease, prevent unwanted pregnancies, and be able to voice the questions or care that you need. Sexual wellness also encompasses your life on a personal level. As humans, our sexuality allows us to experience and feel pleasure, satisfaction, and intimacy whenever you choose or consent. Being healthy sexually also means that you are comfortable openly discussing and communicating with your partners, and medical care professionals, about your sexual habits.

With regard to human sexuality, sexual health is a state of physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being centering around our sexual needs. It is not solely the absence of pregnancy or ailment, dysfunction, or similar. Sexual health is not the sole act of physical intercourse. Having positive sexual health requires you to share a positive, respectful entrance into any relationship where intimacy is present. All relationships should be free of coercion, pressure, or domestic violence (WHO). For sexual health to reign supreme, one’s needs, wants, and desires must be achieved and maintained, while being entirely respected, protected, and centered.

One aspect of sexual wellness is the human rights that are linked to these topics. The World Health Organization lists these top ‘rights’ that, for sexual health and wellness to prosper, should be followed for all humans, under all circumstances. These can also be found on their web site.

Rights critical to the realization of sexual health include:

  • the rights to equality and non-discrimination.
  • the right to be free from torture or to cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment.
  • the right to privacy.
  • the rights to the highest attainable standard of health (including sexual health) and social security.
  • the right to marry and to find a family and enter in to marriage with the free and full consent of the intending spouses, and to equality in and at the dissolution of marriage.
  • the right to decide the number and spacing of one’s children.
  • the rights to information, as well as education.
  • the rights to freedom of opinion and expression, and
  • the right to an effective remedy for violations of fundamental rights.

If you are ever thinking about your sexual wellness or that of your relationship, take this information into consideration.


Center for Disease Control

World Health Organization

Kinsey Institute