While many specialists and doctors promote vaccinations, there are some patients and people who have had severely adverse reactions from vaccinations. Others state that vaccinations are the cause of their child’s medical issues, and some have been linked to death. Vaccinations are designed to help boost the immune system by helping to create antibodies that fight against and prevent some of the worst diseases our world has ever seen. These vaccinations help the body to recognize the antigens and fight them off before they wreak havoc within the body. However, some vaccinations have been linked to extreme medical issues, raising the question: are vaccines safe?
The Most Common Side Effects from Vaccinations
If you have taken your young children and babies to get some of their vaccines, you may have noticed that they experience certain side effects after administration. The most common side effects are:
- Pain, swelling, or redness where the shot was given
- Mild fever
- Chills
- Feeling tired
- Headache
- Muscle and joint aches
Most often, these side effects are a sign that your body is working to build immunity or protection against the disease.
There can be more serious side effects, although those are rare. If you feel sick or have issues that are not listed in the common side effect list, you should report these issues to your doctor and to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting system (VAERS) so appropriate records and listings can be tracked throughout the years.
The Ingredients in Vaccinations
Vaccinations are made to safe, sterile and ready to use. All ingredients used in the production of vaccinations have been deemed necessary for carrying reasons listed below. Some ingredients help to persevere the vaccine, others to trigger the body to develop and immunity, or simply for effectiveness. These include:
- Stabilizers. These help to keep vaccine effective after manufacturing. Stabilizers are also used in the production of foods like Jell-o and reside in the human body naturally.
- Formaldehyde. This is used to prevent contamination by bacteria during the vaccine manufacturing process. It resides in the body naturally, and there is more in the body than in the vaccines. This is also found in the environment, preservatives, and household products.
- Thimerosal. This is also used during the manufacturing process but is no longer an ingredient in any vaccine except for multi-dose vials of the flu vaccine. Single dose vials of the flu vaccine are available as an alternative. There have been studies done on thimerosal, but limited findings if there is a link between other medical issues or autism.
- Adjuvants. These help to boost the body’s response to the vaccine. These are also found in antacids, buffered aspirin, antiperspirants, and other things.
The Most Common Questions about Vaccinations
These questions are the most asked to doctor and world health organizations around the globe.
- Is natural immunity better than a vaccination?
- While a natural infection might provide better immunity than a vaccination, there are serious risks. A natural varicella infection for chicken pox could lead to pneumonia. A natural polio infection could cause permanent paralysis. A natural mumps infection could lead to permanent deafness. A natural Hemophilus influenzae type B infection could result in permanent brain damage or death. Vaccination helps to prevent the diseases and ease their potentially serious side effects, lowering the risk of complications.
- Do vaccines cause autism?
- The official ruling is still being debated on this hot topic. To date, numerous studies have not been able to directly link the vaccines to autism. The original study that began this research has been retracted and removed, which has opened the door for more specialists and scientists to continue the research and studies required to prove or disprove these claims.
- Are vaccine side effects dangerous?
- Any vaccine can cause side effects. Usually, these side effects are minor and include a low-grade fever and soreness at the injection site. Other vaccines can cause headaches, fatigue, or loss of appetite. Rarely, children or adults may experience a severe allergic reaction or a neurological side effect, like a seizure. While these are rare side effects, they can happen. In some cases, vaccinations have been linked to death.
- In some cases, vaccines cannot be given to children or adults who have known allergies to a specific vaccine, or it’s ingredients or components. If your child has a severe reaction to the vaccine, that vaccine will not be given in the future.
- Any vaccine can cause side effects. Usually, these side effects are minor and include a low-grade fever and soreness at the injection site. Other vaccines can cause headaches, fatigue, or loss of appetite. Rarely, children or adults may experience a severe allergic reaction or a neurological side effect, like a seizure. While these are rare side effects, they can happen. In some cases, vaccinations have been linked to death.
- Why are vaccines given so early?
- Vaccines are given early in childhood to help prevent those diseases that could be lift threatening and catastrophic to young children. These diseases pose a great risk of death for young people, and giving the vaccinations early provide life-long benefits. If vaccines are postponed for too long, they can become ineffective, or the disease may affect the person.
- Is it okay to pick and choose vaccines?
- Skipping vaccines is not a good idea, according to the National Pediatric Doctor associations. This can leave your child vulnerable to serious disease threats that could otherwise have been avoided. For those children who cannot receive the vaccinations, those children who are vaccinated also help to prevent those who cannot be. When immunization rates drop, this can cause those who are unable to be vaccinated to become extremely high risk for contracting these thwarted diseases.
- If you have reservations about certain vaccinations, or want more information on delayed vaccination schedules, do not hesitate to talk with your doctor about it and come up with a plan that works best for your family.
- Skipping vaccines is not a good idea, according to the National Pediatric Doctor associations. This can leave your child vulnerable to serious disease threats that could otherwise have been avoided. For those children who cannot receive the vaccinations, those children who are vaccinated also help to prevent those who cannot be. When immunization rates drop, this can cause those who are unable to be vaccinated to become extremely high risk for contracting these thwarted diseases.
*While we are educating on National Immunization month and all aspects and side of vaccination, we do not side either way with vaccinations and if you should or should not get them. For more information about vaccinations, please refer your questions and concerns to yours or your child’s medical care team.