Penis pumps are very beneficial for those penis owners who deal with erectile and sexual dysfunction for any reason. These pumps provide a temporary enlargement and lengthening of the penis and helps to maintain an erection for penetrative intercourse. There are other options for erection help, but many of those come with other side effects like medication or surgical intervention. If you are having trouble getting or maintaining an erection, consider checking in to the latest penis pumps and finding one that works for you to help you to overcome and reclaim your intimacy!

Erectile dysfunction and other issues involving a man’s ability to achieve or maintain an erection can be life altering for many. This affects daily life physically, mentally, and emotionally. While there are many varieties of medication on the market to help with this issue, those medications come with their own side effects and other serious issues. When you need help to regain and reclaim your erection ability, considering trying a penis pump to help get you back up and going again (NIH).  

The Workings of the Standard Penis Pump

These pumps work by creating a vacuum which increases the penile girth temporarily by enlarging the volume of the spongy tissue that holds the blood within the shaft to produce an erection (CDC/NIH). The pump boosts the cell volume and overall blood flow, which can enlarge the volume of the corpora cavernosa cells. The penis pump also works to stretch and lengthen the suspensory ligament, which helps to make the penis more elastic and allows for it to grow longer during an erection. Using a penis pump on a regular basis reduces the risk of forming cavernosal fibrosis, which is an abnormal growth of tissue in the penis, which leads to erectile dysfunction (ACS).

Penis Pump Benefits

There is an old saying that floats around sometimes and you have probably heard it before. The saying “use it or lose it” is actually very true when it comes to the penis and how well it functions. As you get older or if you take medications for long periods of time, you may experience sexual side effects or have another health condition that limits your sexual function. Regular use of a penis pump can prevent and reduce your risk of developing erectile dysfunction-like symptoms, and a pump is a great way to increase size and firmness of your erection regardless of your age (NIH/ Men’s Health).

Penis pumps are also very helpful for those men who do have erectile dysfunction. They enable men to get enough of an erection to participate in penetrative intercourse, even if the erection is not as hard or stiff as it once was.

Overall, penis pumps are quite safe with less side effects that medication or other interventions. One side effect of use that pops up are the chances of light bruising around the base of the penile shaft and pump where it presses against the body. This bruising is most often compared to a “hicky.” When used regularly, the bruising disappears over time and eventually stops happening once your body is used to the pressure from the base. In most cases, after the initial purchase, penis pumps are much less expensive than taking medication or having surgical intervention.

Penis pumps are extremely non-invasive and do not have any lasting side effects, unlike surgical, medication, or injected treatments could (NIH/CDC). Using a combination of treatments such as the penis pump with the occasional prescription medication may be all you need to achieve an erection as you did before. Trial and error on methods and treatments is the best way to find what works best for your body, your penis, and your sexual needs. Special doctors called Pelvic Health Physiotherapists can help teach you how to exercise their pelvic floor to help to improve erectile function, overcome incontinence issues, and help with any pelvic pain.

One of the best basic penis pumps to begin with is the simple, standard air-pressure penis pump. This pump works by using a vacuum seal and controlled, pressurized suction to help increase blood flow into your penis. This helps to create a harder, firmer erection for you and your partner to enjoy immediately. With long term use, this can help strengthen and rebuild nerves and muscles in the penis and groin area. This easy-to-use device has an easy read pressure gauge to track pressure and a clear vacuum cylinder to watch for yourself as your penis grows with the increasing pressure. The basic air-pressure penis pump works as an easy one-handed machine, and the quick release valve removes all suction and pressure immediately whenever needed. This also comes with a soft TPE donut sleeve at the base of the pump which is made to squeeze your penis and help to prolong your erection (EI/ NIH).

Do doctors support the use of penis pumps?

Penis pumps are becoming more widely prescribed for various penis-related issues for men. Many urologists and surgeons now recommend these pumps to males after having any sort of penile surgery or serious treatment. In a study conducted by Raina who polled one-hundred-nine men after a radical prostatectomy, eighty percent of those men using a penis pump were able to participate in penetrative intercourse sufficiently. The other twenty percent were able to achieve semi-erect status, but not for long enough to penetrate their partner. Those twenty percent were then offered a combination therapy with the penis pump and medication and were then able to achieve an intercourse-ready erection (ACS).

Other illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, spinal injuries, or Multiple Sclerosis- plus many others- can also hinder a man’s ability to achieve an erection. Peyronie’s Disease, or curvature of the penis, can also benefit from a penis pump, as it encourages the penis to lengthen and thicken in a straight, controlled area. For those dealing with Peyronie’s disease, looking into a hydro-vacuum pump could be very beneficial for your condition in certain situations, but never begin use without the guidance and approval of your doctor, who knows your Peyronie’s situation the best (NIH).

These pumps are also very beneficial for the mental health outlook in patients dealing with erectile and sexual dysfunction. Because these pumps help to bring back a vital part of being a male, this helps to level out mental upset and depression from cancer and treatment. For a man, simply watching their erection rise after the inability can lift the very dark cloud the settles with these sudden changes (Men’s Health).

These results show doctors and specialists alike that the use of the penis pumps is extremely beneficial for all men dealing with these issues. If you are worried that your doctor will not approve, simply schedule a time to discuss the benefits and purpose with your doctor

Are Penis Pumps safe? Are there side effects?

Penis pumps are safe for men who have diabetes, poor blood flow to the penis, surgery for prostate or colon cancer, surgery for other penis-related issues, or psychological conditions like anxiety and depression (NIH). Certain medical circumstances would need your doctor’s approval before using. Those are:

  • If you take any medication to thin your blood such as warfarin, heparin, and some over the counter pain relievers such as aspirin, ibuprofen or Naproxen.
  • If you suffer from priapism whereby the penis remains erect for a prolonged period of time causing pain and discomfort.
  • If you have Sickle Cell anemia. Some forms of leukemia or any blood disorder which makes you susceptible to bleeding or blood clots.
  • If you have heart disease or other heart conditions (CDC/NIH).

The most common side effects reported from using penis pumps are as follows:

Pain and bruising. This happens at the base of the shaft and generally resolves itself a few days after use. It takes time and patience to learn the proper use of your penis pump. The proper position, comfortable pressure levels, soft-feeling, flexible support rings and lubrication are important factors to consider when beginning use. If you cannot get a proper seal between the body and base of the tube, you may need to shave the area, so a firmer connection can be made. If you do suffer from these issues, consider trying a penis pump that is gentle and uses water as a part of the process. Also, whenever you are using a pump or any action that creates friction on the penis, consider using a high-quality lubrication to create a barrier to protect your skin (CDC).

Petechiae. These pinpoint-like dots occur under the skin caused by bleeding under the skin. This can also happen with pressure increases inside of the body, such as those that happen during severe bouts of vomiting. To avoid the wild pressure increases, make sure your penis pump has a quick release valve for safety (CDC).

Decreased Sensation. When the pump is in place, or the support ring is helping to maintain the erection, numbness, coldness, or slight bluish coloration could happen. Constriction bands, also known as support rings or cock rings, should only be left on for thirty-minutes maximum. Once the pump or rings are removed, feeling returns and the numbness subsides (CDC/Mens’ Health).

Unnatural Erection. Erections using the penis pump may feel unnatural or un-spontaneous at first. This is completely normal for men who have been affected by erectile dysfunction. While it may feel awkward or strange, with practice, patience, and understanding you will become very comfortable with your pump (CDC).

My hands do not work well due to a disability. Is there a penis pump that would work for me?

Yes! There are many models of penis pumps that require one-handed or a hands-free method of use. Simply check in with your doctor or local sexual wellness expert to find out which varieties and styles would be best for your situation.

The HydroMax pump by BathMate is an amazing hydro-therapy pump designed to be used in the shower or bathtub. This utilizes the gentle power of water to give the user a completely safe, controlled erection. This device is skin safe, latex and phthalate free. This device model is recommended for those men who have a penis up to five inches in length. There are other models for those with varying penis size (BathMate/Men’s Health).

Do not let the fear of trying something new or worry of judgment hinder your decision on trying a penis pump. Humans are designed to desire and love intimacy, and the ability to feel sexually close to another person. When that ability is lost, we lose a part of ourselves. Just as you take the time to ensure you are as healthy as you can be, take the time to ensure your penis is working as you need it to. If it is not, talk to your doctor about the possibility of using a penis pump to help restore your penile function once more.


Men’s Health


National Institutes of Health and Human Services

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


American Cancer Society