
In this new world of pandemic viruses and ensuring to help flatten the curve, many people are asking about intercourse and intimate activities with their partners. The good news is, most all government agencies are stating that you are safe to have close contact relations with your live-in partner, if all have no signs of illness or have tested positive for the COvid19 virus. They do share more warnings for those who do not live with their partner, as those living apart can introduce more germs than those live-in partnerships.

Here are the details being shared by the government, rephrased into simpler terms:

  • Understand how COvid19 spreads.
    • You can get COvid19 from a person who has it. The virus can spread to people who are within a 6 feet radius; especially when coughing or sneezing are present. The virus also spreads through direct contact with bodily fluids.
  • We still have a lot to learn about COvid19 and sex.
    • COvid19 has been found in feces of infected patients but has not yet been directly found in semen or vaginal secretion.
    • Other coronaviruses are not transmitted through sex. Studies are currently being done to find out if this type of coronavirus spreads during sex.
  • Have Sex with Only those “Close to You”
    • You are your safest sex partner. Masturbation will not spread the COvid19 virus, especially if you wash your hands or any devices used with soap and water for at least twenty seconds before and after activity.
    • The next safest partner is someone you live with. Having close contact, including intimacy and sex, with limited partners will help to lessen the spread of the virus.
    • You should avoid close contact, including sexual activity, with anyone outside of your household during the spread and quarantine.
    • If you usually meet sexual activity partners online or make your living by having or engaging in intimate activities, consider taking a break from any in-person dates. Try video dates, sexting or chat rooms for other options.
  • Take Care of yourself during Sex.
    • Kissing can easily pass the COvid19 virus. Avoid kissing anyone who is not part of your inner circle of close contacts (or the people you live with).
    • Rimming (which is a type of mouth to anus sexual play) might spread the virus, as the virus has been found in feces, which could then enter the mouth.
    • Condoms and dental dams can reduce contact with saliva, feces and other bodily fluids during sexual activity.
    • Washing up before and after sex is extremely vital to helping flatten the curve and spread of this virus. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least twenty seconds.
    • Wash sex toys and devices used before and after activity.
    • Disinfect all keyboards and touch screens that you share with others.
  • Avoid intercourse and intimacy if your partner is not feeling well.
    • If you or your partner have COvid19, avoid sex and especially kissing.
    • If you start to feel ill, you could be coming down with the COvid19 virus (or another spreadable flu virus), which may or may not include a fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath.
    • If you or your partner has a medical condition that can lead to more severe COvid19 (by being a high-risk patient), you may want to skip sex.
    • Medical conditions like lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, cancer or a weakened immune system makes your overall risk much higher.
  • Work to prevent HIV, unplanned pregnancy, and other sexually transmitted infections from spreading.
    • HIV: Condoms, pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP and having an undetectable viral load all help to prevent HIV. Visit the CDC website for more information.
    • Pregnancy: Be sure to use an effective form of birth control for the coming weeks.
    • STIs: Use condoms, dental dams and safe sex practices to avoid getting or spreading sexually transmitted infections.

If you are a cancer or medical patient struggling with cancer-related or long-term illness related intimacy issues, Empowering Intimacy is here to help! We offer numerous articles with tips, tricks and suggestions on alternate ways to find intimacy and pleasure, and a myriad of devices and therapeutic aids to help you on your journey!


National Institutes of Health and Human Services
