Learning breath control, like any other new thing, takes time and steady, consistent practice. If you have this calm, relaxed understanding about your learning process, with or without a patient partner, you can learn this complex technique. If you are single or do not have a partner to practice with, that’s fine! The only mandatory part of this technique is that you practice every day. Here you can find some tips on practice and alternate techniques to help you during your breath control learning.

When in the Bathroom…

Spending quality time in the bathroom for varying reasons can have a positive impact on you learning the proper breath control techniques. Reed states that, “Practice the anal lock a few times at the end of every bowel movement, using the squatting position. This helps propel residue feces downward and outward for a final evacuation.” Doing this action multiple times every time you visit the toilet can drastically help your control.

Practicing ‘locking the gates’ involves: “While urinating, a few seconds before the flow of urine stops, sharply lock the anus and contract the penile shaft to squeeze off the ureter and halt the flow, as if you were “holding it” while looking for a toilet. After a second or two, relax the contraction, let the flow of urine resume, then immediately squeeze it off again.
Repeat these 3 to 5 times, or until no more urine spurts out when you squeeze, then hold the last contraction for 5 to 10 seconds while you tuck yourself back in and zip up. You can enhance the effects of this exercise by standing on your toes while doing it.”

Building a steady form of muscle development and control in this area helps to steady your urine flow, as well. When building urinary pressure, you will have a lot of pressure build up that helps to create a stronger urine flow.

Practice makes Perfect with or without Discomfort

Nothing about breath control is simple or easy, and practicing can cause some discomfort. But, like many other beneficial habits, the first few go-rounds can be challenging and difficult. Reed recommends that you come roughly two or three times per every ten masturbation or lovemaking sessions, which is about twenty to thirty percent of the time.

The goal of this experience is to not come during sex or masturbation, which is totally against the grain for most men. Your initial goal when beginning should be to do three or four session in succession without ejaculation. These sessions may be anticlimactic and likely very short in duration. You should not use visual aids or stimulation during this time.

While you are still a beginner or novice at breath control practicing, you should not perform more than once technique at the same time. As you advance and learn to understand your body and your breath, you can then begin to add in or mix the methods together.

Alternative Methods to Practicing Breath Controls

There will be times when you need to use different methods than simply ‘locking the gates.’ By trying some of these variations and new methods, you will unlock a whole new world of breath control capabilities. Here are some alternate methods to consider.

  • Anal Lock
  • Ureter Control
  • Pressing the perineum button
  • Deep abdominal breathing

Use this grouping of alternate methods for two weeks or more until you are comfortable with your practice and method. When you have determined which of these four methods work the best for you, pair that method up with another in a combined action plan. It may look like this:

  • Anal lock + Deep abdominal breathing
  • Ureter control + deep abdominal breathing
  • Pressing the perineum + deep abdominal breathing

Repeat this method for another week, or until you feel that you have mastered the method. Then move on to a triple pair with anal locking being your first step.

  • Anal lock + ureter control + deep abdominal breathing

You can also compare methods, and work to add even more together. These are common methods for those who take a multi-step, experienced approach.

  • Anal lock + pressing the perineum + deep abdominal breathing
  • Anal lock + ureter control + pressing the perineum
  • Anal lock + ureter control + pressing the perineum button + deep abdominal breathing

Over your time spent working through these methods, you will have a new level of control over your ejaculations, especially once you find the combination of practice that works best for you. You should keep your sessions under five minutes when you begin but can extend those session upwards of twenty minutes once you are more experienced.

Practice for breath control can leave you with very heavy blue balls, which can leave you feeling mentally cloudy after a session. Think before practicing before work, or any other event that takes your brain power. Many find it best to meditate or nap after the practice sessions are over. The best position reported for practicing breath control is on your back, which helps gravity keep your ejaculate back.

Practicing Breath Control by Yourself

For most men, beginning to practice alone is often the best route to take. This way, you allow yourself time to adjust and learn your personal likes and dislikes. You should not use porn or even the nudity of your partner or others to help your process along. Those things are now just distractions in your quest to better own and know your body and breath. As you get better and more proficient at injaculation, you can use this method more recreationally when you need. All this practice and deepened breath control methods will help you to reclaim your intimacy and sexual control and become a better lover to your partner.


Reed, Daniel. The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity.