Did you know that one in twenty-five youth ages twelve through seventeen has abused cough medication to get high from dextromethorphan?

Did you know that one in five young adults have abused prescription medication?

Did you know that many young teens experience their first misuse of prescription drugs from a family members prescription drug in their home?

Did you know that nearly two thousand teens misuse prescription drugs every day?

Prescription medication awareness was designed to help educate and empower all humans on the hidden dangers of medication. In March, July and October, many pharmaceutical companies and pharmacy organizations work to educate the public on proper disposal of medication, proper storage of controlled medications, and the risks and dangers of keeping extra medications around the house could bring. These companies now partner with numerous drug task forces to bring awareness to illicit drug use, as well.

In a culture that seems to have a pill for every ailment and medical issue, all one must do is turn on their television to be inundated with advertisements, promises of whole healing and unfortunate mistruths about the latest medications for pain, migraines, stress, depression, sexual dysfunction and even big toe swelling.

In 2018, a study was conducted by that National Survey on Drug Use and Health where over six million people said they were using some form of a prescription drug without the aid of a doctor or even having a valid prescription. This study also found that the most widely misused drugs were depressants, stimulants, pain relievers, and those medications made to keep you awake, or put you straight to sleep.

Specialists say that this happens because young people tell themselves that abusing prescription drugs can be safer than abusing street drugs or narcotics, and prescription drugs are much easier to get than street drugs.

Of course, young people are not the only ones who are abusing these medications. People of all ages, especially those becoming addicted to pain medications, tend to over-use all other medications they can get their hands on.

Because of this, there are now numerous organizations created to help people avoid becoming addicted to prescription drugs, misusing them, and knowing how to properly store them safely in your house to avoid others taking your medications.

If you suspect someone you know may have a prescription drug problem, please visit one of these places to find advice, council and the steps you should take to try and help.

Prevent Med Abuse- www.preventmedabuse.org

Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)- www.cadca.org

Alcohol Drug Council- www.alcoholdrugcouncil.org

NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse- www.drugabuse.gov

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration- www.samhsa.gov


Alcohol and Drug Council