Penis pumps are widely used therapeutic devices for men to aide in a variety of erection troubles and sexual dysfunction. Many men also use these pumps to gain girth and size of their penis for temporary and long-term benefits. These penis pumps are often used to help treat erectile dysfunction in a more holistic way. The trouble is, these pumps do come with a bit of a learning curve and it is very important that the user is following the directions as they are listed to avoid any discomfort or injury.

The penis pump, regardless of the style, is a cylinder that is placed over the entire penis shaft and uses pumping to create suction inside of the cylinder. As the air is pumped, or even water depending on the model you are using, it will leave the pump and your penis will expand into the area that the negative pressure creates. This actions then draws the blood into the penile shaft and creates an engorged erection, as there is then more blood than normal inside the vessels. Once the pressure is released, your penis will slowly return to its normal size. Using an erection support ring following pumping can help to hold the blood inside, thusly helping to maintain an erection for intimacy and sexual acts.

Penis pumps do not interfere with your medication plan and are often affordable, or even covered by insurance with a prescription from your doctor. These pumps are much less invasive than the riskier surgical procedures that help with erectile dysfunction. These pumps can also be used with Viagra or Cialis type medications.

That said, that does not mean there is no risk. When used incorrectly, these pumps can cause pain, swelling, discoloration, bruising, and possible long-term damage to the tissues of the penis. However, when used properly, users report amazing and impressive results with zero issues. This is why knowing how to use your penis pump is vital for your well-being.

The Basic Rules of Using a Penis Pump Safely

  • Rule One: Follow all Instructions as they are written for the device they came with! There are thousands of penis pumps on the market and getting a top-quality brand is very important. There will be differences, even if unnoticeable, in the makes and models of the pumps, which can be detrimental to know before you use them. You should also read ALL the directions and information that comes with the pump.
  • Rule Two: Find a pump with a pressure gauge or quick release valve and learn how to use it. It can be easy to go overboard on the pumping and pressure when you are new to the therapy. If your pump has a pressure gauge or vacuum limiter, it would be advisable to use it as you begin. The pressure gauge will show you the pressure that is happening while you pump so that you can pay attention to how much you are applying to your penis. The vacuum limiter stops you from over-pumping by controlling the amount of pressure in the cylinder for you. With a clear pump cylinder and quick release valve, you can see and prevent any injury or issues from arising.
  • Rule Three: Use an erection support ring or enhancer to help hold and maintain your erection once you finish pumping. These simple devices can be life changing and should always be used with lubrication. You might also consider using a comfort pad or penis pump sleeve to help cushion the device from your penis if you begin to feel discomfort. Pumps are made with firm materials and can take some time to get used to using in a way that works best for your body. The firm materials can cause slight bruising, even in normal use with no discomfort. The penis sleeve also helps to create a strong seal between the pump and your skin, which helps to maintain pressure. These pads and sleeves can also help to prevent your scrotum from slipping into the cylinder- which is something you do not want to happen.
  • Rule Four: Groom your pubic hair to help get a tighter seal around the base of the pump to your skin. If you find yourself struggling to find a tight seal, it might be that your pubic hair is not allowing this to happen. Consider shaving your pubic hair to better seal the cylinder.
  • Rule Five: ALWAYS USE A LUBRICANT when using a penis pump! Ensuring that you are completely coated with a friction barrier lubrication can ensure that you have no discomfort or injury during the therapy. Empowering Intimacy offers a page of recommended and reviewed lubrication brands on our website.
  • Rule Six: Use the right sized pump for your body. This is extremely important to avoid injury to your penis and body. A pump that is too small for you will not reach the pressure needed to create any difference in your erection size. A pump that is too large will give you too much pressure, creating an increased risk of over-pumping and injury. By ensuring the size fits your body, the outcome will be beneficial to your needs.
    • Read the product box carefully to verify the size. Ask a professional if you are unsure which model is best for you.
    • Measure your penis while flaccid AND while erect to get the best indication of your size.
  • Rule Seven: Do not over-pump! This is ever so important for new users, as this will be a whole new sensation for your penis, body and mind to get used to. This is a slow process, where practice is encouraged. When you begin, two or three sessions a week for no longer than fifteen minutes at a time is a great place to start. Once you become comfortable with the time span and pressure levels, you can increase or decrease in frequency as your doctors agrees. It is important to keep your session short to begin, making sure to take at least an hour break in between sessions. This allows your penis to rest and resume to natural size before being pumped again.

The most common issues reported are happening due to misuse and from lack of reading instructions. Ruptured blood vessels, bruising, and swelling can be expected if you are not using your penis pump as the manufacturer recommends. If any of these issues arise, stop using your pump and go over all the instructions again. If you need assistance, reach out to our Empowering Intimacy team for help.

Can anyone use a pump?

No, not all people can use penis pumps. Certain medical conditions and issues prevent the pumps from being able to work or be safely used. Here are some of the people who should not use a penis pump therapeutic aide:

  • Anyone on blood thinner medication
  • Those with priapism
  • Those with sickle cell anemia or any other blood clotting disorder
  • Those with heart disease and other heart issues

If you have any of these issues, or already take medication to help with erectile dysfunction, check in with your doctor before you begin using a penis pump.

While it may seem like there are a lot of rules and stipulations to using a penis pump, most of these things will fall into place naturally as you practice and get used to your pump. By following the guidelines on your penis pump packaging, you ensure that you give yourself the best benefits the therapeutic aide has to offer!


Empowering Intimacy


For Hims

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