Empowering Intimacy has been partnered with Franciscan Health & Cancer Support Community Indiana’s Moving Beyond survivorship program for many years. The Moving Beyond program is an 8-week repeating course for cancer patients, survivors, their partners, and families, and is structured to cover a myriad of topics for life with cancer.

The weekly topics of the course are as follows:

  • Understanding Your Survivorship
  • Moving Beyond with Good Nutrition
  • Emotional Well-Being
  • Symptoms & Side Effects Management
  • Spiritual Well-Being
  • Self-Care
  • Well-Being & Relationships
  • Your Medical Team & You

Empowering Intimacy will regularly be joining “Well-Being & Relationships” week to cover intimacy, sexuality, and the changes that happen to the body with cancer and medical treatments. We will also cover the services and solutions we offer to patients attending the program.

Other aspects included in the Moving Beyond program are a patient kit, which includes:

  • Weekly course booklets
  • Exercise bands
  • Yoga mat
  • Weekly exercise plans
  • Food & exercise logs
  • And more

These courses are held via Zoom-style meeting AND in person to include patients and people from all around the state. We are very excited to be a part of this program and help to break the taboo of discussing intimacy, sexuality, and sexual dysfunction in the medical community. We are grateful to Franciscan Health and the Cancer Support Community for recognizing the importance of these topics and allowing us to step in and cover these topics.


Empowering Intimacy

Franciscan Health

Cancer Support Community Indiana