We are thrilled to welcome the Colorectal Cancer Alliance as a resource partner! The Colorectal Cancer Alliance believes that intimacy and sexuality are vital parts of human life and have worked to de-stigmatize sexual dysfunction and sexual health with colorectal health & cancer.

Colorectal cancers are one of the top cancers known to directly affect intimacy and sexuality by limiting or taking sexual function and ability. At Empowering Intimacy, we strive to help all colorectal patients- male and female- with rehabilitating their bodies after treatment and surgical intervention to reclaim their lives and intimate needs.

Colorectal Cancer Alliance’s mission:

“To empower a nation of allies who work with us to provide support for patients and families, caregivers, and survivors; to raise awareness of preventive measures; and inspire efforts to fund critical research.”

Their focus on ending colorectal cancer is encompassed in screening, patient care, and finding a cure. From their website:

“Screening is the number one way to reduce the risk for this unique cancer. There are other ways, though. We believe it is important for all of us to can take charge of our health by knowing family history, understanding risk factors, eating a balanced diet, exercising, limiting alcohol use, and never smoking. For us, sharing this information is essential to ending colorectal cancer.

Caring. No one is ever alone. Our patient empowerment team is always available to provide hope and support to patients, families, caregivers and survivors. If you, or someone you love, is struggling to understand or overcome a cancer diagnosis, we can provide the latest information, and point you to expert resources and cutting-edge tools. At the Colorectal Cancer Alliance, we strive to deliver the level of support you need to make you whole again.

Finding a cure. Our research agenda includes advancing biomarker research, understanding why those under 50 are increasingly diagnosed with colon cancer, decreasing late-state diagnosis of high-risk populations, closing the referral gap for screening and diagnostic testing, and advancing long-term survivorship psychosocial concerns. We see patients, researchers, medical institutions and industry as pivotal allies for pursuing this effort.”

Thank you, Colorectal Cancer Alliance, for joining our movement to break the taboo!

If you need to contact the Alliance:

Toll-free Helpline: (877) 422-2030

Website: https://www.ccalliance.org


Colorectal Cancer Alliance

Empowering Intimacy