Did you know that the second Monday of May, every year, is National Women’s Check-up Day?! One single day designated to educating, empowering and reminding women that their health needs to be at the top of their list! We are not just talking about physical health and exercise, but instead the medical tests and checks necessary to diagnose these life-changing illnesses before it is too late.

If you had the opportunity to find out you had a health problem or disease before it was too late to treat or heal the disorder, wouldn’t you?! National Women’s Check-up day is the perfect day to do just this- make your yearly appointments with your medical care doctor, vision specialist, dentist, and your gynecologist. Even with this reminder, many women still find themselves on their own back burner, allowing the demands of life and family take precedence.

Sadly, most women feel that it is selfish to put themselves first, citing that the mother and wife puts others before herself. There is a new movement on the horizon, working towards helping women realize that they cannot be there taking care of their families, children and friends if they are not in good health in the first place. HealthyWomen has partnered with GCI Health and have launched their HealthiHER Movement. This movement works solely to make women a priority in their own lives once again.  

You know, taking care of yourself does not necessarily mean that you are whisked away to far off islands in the ocean, or to a mansion-esque spa week. (Although, surely it could in some scenarios…) It also does not mean that you need to ignore everyone around you or stop doing the things for others. National Women’s Check-up day was designed by the United States Department of Health and Human Services to remind women to take care of themselves by scheduling regular medical appointments with their providers. This day is also a part of National Women’s Health Week, which occurs every year to bring light to the entirety of women’s health care issues.

There are many ways that you can work to stay healthy, but it truly begins when you take control and make the time to see all your health care providers. When you reclaim control of your health and find any problems early, you increase the chances of fully healing and having successful treatments with any issue that does arise.

During this time of taking reclaiming your health, you will learn a lot about yourself and your body. There may be things you need to work on that you are unaware of, like your blood pressure. High blood pressure is often called “the silent killer” for that exact reason. There are many common illnesses, that when caught and treated in a timely manner, will not adversely affect the rest of your life. However, if those same illnesses are ignored and left untreated, they could alter your later years, or take those years from you completely. The same can be said about cancer, high cholesterol, and serious hormonal imbalances. The sooner you take action to reclaim your health, the sooner you can be rid, or get a solid grip on, these medical issues.

Sure, these tests and appointments are going to take up some of your time, and depending on your health care coverage, could cost you a bit of out-of-pocket funds. Although, with the changes of medical coverage in recent years, most all preventative care benefits do cover at least one of these visits per year. If you cannot afford this service, contact your local hospital to find out which local resources are offering free medical care. Depending on your age and health care needs, you may need to address these issues and concerns with your doctor: 

  • Do you need to take low-dose aspirin? Or avoid it?
  • Do you have blood pressure issues?
  • Have you had chickenpox in the past, or might you get it in the future?
  • Do you need to have your cholesterol checked?
  • Should you be checked for colorectal cancer?
  • Are you at risk for diabetes?
  • Is this the flu?
  • Should I be tested for Hepatitis B and hepatitis C?
  • Am I at risk for HIV?
  • Should I be tested for lung cancer?
  • Do I need a mammogram?
  • Do I need the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine?
  • Is it time for my PAP smear and HPV tests?
  • Should I be tested for sexually transmitted infections?
  • Should I reach out for intimacy help when I cannot have an orgasm?
  • Do I need new vaccinations for Tetanus, diphtheria or whooping cough?
  • How do I know if I have been exposed to Tuberculosis?

Ask any questions that you have! There is never a questions too big or too small!

We urge you to take control of your medical health and use this year’s National Women’s Check-up day to your advantage! Take the day and schedule as many of your appointments as you can and encourage the women in your life to do the same! Celebrate being a woman by owning and reclaiming your health!



GCI Health