For those patients who are suffering from sexual dysfunction, painful intercourse, vaginal dryness, incontinence, or other vaginal issues, the Mona Lisa Touch procedure may be for you. This is a new vaginal rejuvenation procedure that could help to improve your symptoms and provide long-lasting relief using no chemicals or hormones.

As a female ages, her estrogen levels decline, leading to a rapid change in their vaginal tissues and secretions. It is not uncommon for females to experience these changes during and after childbirth, during perimenopause, and menopause. Many women first try hormone therapy or estrogen creams, which either lead to extra side effects or ineffective results.

Details on the Mona Lisa Touch Procedure

This procedure is a laser treatment for vaginal rejuvenation that gives excellent relief and often offers life-changing results for most females. It has been clinically tested and proven to give results for vaginal dryness, vaginal laxity, and mild incontinence issues.

This procedure can also improve and strengthen your overall sexual health. After only a few treatments, most women experience an improvement and ease of pain, dryness, burning, itching, and laxity. Some women also notice that sexual activities are not as painful. Certain women also report these effects after only one treatment, while others will require more than one treatment.

How the Procedure Occurs

A gentle laser energy is directed to the vaginal wall tissue and stimulates a healing response in the vaginal canal. These patients experience limited downtime or side effects, and most often the procedure is preformed in an outpatient setting. Anesthesia or special preparations are not necessary. A small metal wand, much like an ultrasound wand, is inserted into the vagina (same as a tampon) and turned in a circular motion, targeting all areas of vaginal tissue.

It is a very sensitive area for most, but this laser treatment is painless, not invasive, and takes less than five minutes (in most cases) to complete. Some patients do report minor discomfort when the laser is inserted in their vagina, especially if they are facing vaginal atrophy or pain.

What makes the Mona Lisa Touch Effective?

The energy that the laser delivers into the vaginal cavity gently affect the tissues by encouraging the stimulation and production of collagen. With improved collagen, this helps to increase the functionality of the area and restore the body-specific trophic balance. In turn, this stimulates a healing response.

How long does the Mona Lisa Touch last?

The typical treatment plan for Mona Lisa Touch occurs over an 18-week period. Many women enjoy their results in as few as three treatments, although others do take more visits before noticeable changes occur. This treatment provides lasting results for most, and after the initial treatment, one treatment per year is recommended to maintain symptom relief. This can usually be done at your yearly gynecologic checkup. 

If you are interested in the Mona Lisa Touch procedure, contact your oncologist or gynecologist for more details. You can also check in with your insurance company prior to making any appointments to verify if this procedure will be covered by your plan or will become an out-of-pocket cost.
