The effects of a weakened pelvic floor can affect males just as much as females. The pelvic floor is designed to help to control bladder and bowel function, hold important abdominal organs and muscles, and helps to control orgasms and erectile potential. If your pelvic floor has weakened for any reason- cancer, illness, age, hormone fluctuations, or due to medications- there are at-home therapies and exercises you can try to help to strengthen the pelvic floor.

Why do Kegel exercises help to strengthen erectile muscles and function?

This is because the ischiocavernosus and bulbocavernosus muscles in the pelvic area surround the penis and are active during an erection. With a weakened pelvic floor, these muscles have trouble “holding up” and cannot help to keep the penile shaft up or erect. By working on keeping these muscles strong, this can also help to ward off premature or early ejaculation issues. Because one in three men will face some level of erectile dysfunction in their life, it is always best that Kegel exercise be brought in to the health regimen the moment symptoms or signs begin.

The most common way to define how to exercise the pelvic floor muscles are to start and stop the flow of urine when using the bathroom. This repetition helps to develop stronger muscles and control. Here are some of the more common exercises males can do to work on strengthening their pelvic floor muscles.

  • Lying-on-your-Back Floor Squeezes
    • Begin by lying on the floor, on your back, as flat as you can. It is okay to use a pillow under your head, if needed. Your palms should be flat to the floor, and knees bent pointing upwards.
    • Using your body and pelvic muscles only, try to “draw” your penis in to the belly- hold for five seconds, and release. This may take some practice rounds to fully understand and accomplish.
    • Now, squeeze your anus and anal muscles as if you were trying to stop a bowel movement. Hold for five seconds, and release.
    • Repeat these steps roughly eight to ten times and do three to five sets per week.
  • Lying-on-your-Side Floor Squeezes
    • Lie on the floor, on your side.
    • Place a large pillow between your knees- large enough to keep your knees apart.
    • Squeeze your legs together and hold for five to ten seconds, then release.
    • Repeat the squeezing step eight to ten times and do these in sets three to five times a week.
  • Sitting-In-A-Chair Squeezes
    • Find a comfortable position sitting in a chair.
    • Squeeze your penis with just its own muscles, like you were trying to stop urine from coming out- and hold for five seconds, then release.
    • Repeat this squeezing middle step eight to ten times, doing this at least three to five times per week.

When doing these exercises, it is important that you pay close attention to your body.

  • Do not hold your breath. Be sure to take slow, deep breaths when beginning.
  • Keep your stomach muscles relaxed throughout the activity. This may be difficult at first but will get easier with practice.
  • Relax your pelvic floor muscles between each squeeze. If you feel that they are still tight, take a bit longer in between reps.
  • Don’t push down! Always be sure to use your pelvic muscles tightly together, almost as if you are trying to lift something up with those muscles.

These exercises should cause no pain. If there is pain while you are doing these exercises, stop the exercise, and bring up this issue with your doctor or medical care team to determine the cause, and solutions.

Pelvic floor therapy is a therapy that will need to be done regularly to see and feel the results. Many men report that after two to four months of regular three-to-five times a week therapy, they can see and feel the results they had hoped for.

On top of doing Kegel exercises to increase pelvic floor strength and control, there are also numerous types of therapeutic aids that can help to naturally restore erectile function and make intimacy and sexual acts possible- even with erectile dysfunction!


National Institutes of Health and Human Services

World Health Organization

Men’s Health

Intimate Rose