Nearly every female person, at some point in their lifespan, will have a run in with vaginal atrophy. It’s uncomfortable, painful, alters daily life, hinders medical healing, and so many more life changing side effects and issues. The most common reasons women suffer from vaginal atrophy are menopause, childbirth, medications, cancer and treatment, illness, and lifestyle choices.
This condition causes the tissues in and around the vulva and vagina to become thin due to the decline of estrogen, or another type of hormone balance. There is also an accompanying burning, itching, pain with touch or penetration, spotting, frequent urination, and urinary tract infections are normal for those dealing with atrophy.

Learn the Basics about Vaginal Atrophy

This condition occurs when the vaginal tissues become thin and fragile, getting excessively thin and dry. The itching, pain, and burning with touch or intimate acts are often long lasting and troublesome, spurring other issues like UTIs (urinary tract infections). “Atrophy” is defined as the wasting away or diminution,” thusly meaning the vaginal tissues are wasting away (Oxford). A more scientific term is moving in to ‘replace’ vaginal atrophy, and that is ‘genitourinary syndrome of menopause’ (GSM). This broadened term helps to better describe not just the vaginal issues, but also those in the urinary tract (NIH).
The endocrine system is controlled by the body’s hormones which change and fluctuate throughout life. Some of those moments in life causing fluctuations are puberty, childbirth, perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause. When the hormones decrease, increase, or ebb and flow, atrophy can occur quickly. It most often occurs during the stages of menopause, but also occurs in over 85% of cancer patients’ treatment and survivorship (NIH).
Excruciating, painful vaginal dryness is often the first, most reported symptom of vaginal atrophy.

Vaginal Atrophy Risks

For those vagina owning humans over the age of fifty, those in menopause, facing chemotherapy or radiation treatments, or going through hormone treatments are most likely to experience increased risk of atrophy. Other factors are:
  • Breastfeeding.
  • Smoking.
  • Nonfluctuating estrogen levels.
  • Medications and prescriptions
  • Decreased ovarian function due to treatments and medications.
  • Lack of sexual intercourse or penetrative vaginal activities.
  • Immune disorders.
  • Total hysterectomy or oophorectomy (removal of the ovaries)
  • Postpartum loss of estrogen (placental loss)
Atrophy is extremely common with over 50% of women entering their menopausal years, struggling with various levels of this condition (HealthLine/NIH).

Vaginal Atrophy Symptoms & First Signs

The first typical signs of atrophy are the severe dryness and loss of natural vaginal lubrication. These are other common symptoms:
  • Dyspareunia (pain during intercourse)
  • Dryness of the vagina
  • Itching or burning of the vagina
  • Vaginal discharge- usually off color
  • Vulvar itching
  • Spotting or bleeding
  • Pressure in the vaginal area
  • Frequent urgency to use the bathroom
  • Pain when using the bathroom
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Frequent urination
  • Incontinence
  • Dysuria (painful urination)
  • Hematuria (blood in the urine)
  • Burning during urination
If the symptoms you are experiencing do not ease on their own, or with common over-the-counter remedies, do consult your medical care provider to begin routine treatment best for your circumstance.

Vaginal Atrophy Relief Options

While many options for relieving the annoyance and pain of vaginal atrophy involve prescription hormone creams, and others involve intense surgical procedures or laser intervention- many are unaware that there are holistic options and natural moisturizers that can help!
Here are some suggestions and tips for relieving pain, finding moisture, and working through the toughest days ahead with vaginal atrophy.
  • Use lubrication. Throughout life and the body changes and hormone fluctuations, the natural lubrication of the vagina tends to decrease. When the vagina and vulva are dry, this can create a recipe for disaster if penetration or insertion is happening. Dried out tissues lead to tiny tears and wounds inside of the vaginal canal, which can lead to infections and extreme discomfort. This is why using lubrication is vital. Whether it be a water-based lubrication, or a thicker friction barrier lubrication like Sliquid’s Satin- these will help to ease pain and discomfort, while making intimacy and sexual activities even more fun. (NIH)
  • Use a daily vaginal moisturizer. Using a natural, daily moisturizer can help to soften severely dry vaginal and vulvar tissues, thus allowing more comfortable movement and pliability. Sliquid offers a natural, aloe based intimate moisturizer designed to be used every day & helps to replenish lost moisture. (NIH)
  • “Use it or lose it.” Regarding vaginal health, the old saying is true- if you don’t use it, you will probably lose it. Speaking figuratively, of course. Functions will decline with the shriveling and drying out of the vaginal tissues. This is why it is important to interact with your vagina and vulva- personally and intimately. Masturbation or using sexual devices are two ways that one can keep the vagina in top health, even if intercourse is not happening. Remember, the vagina can be strengthened just as other muscles around your body. (NIH)
  • Utilize Dilator therapy. Dilators are devices that are designed to be inserted into the vaginal canal to help with the widening of the vaginal walls and to help make the vagina pliable after vaginal atrophy has hardened and dried out the area. This therapy is done multiple times per week until the vagina owner has reached a comfortable level of tolerance for insertion- whether it be for a gynecologic exam, tampons, dilators, or any type of penetration. We offer recommendations on various dilators and dilators companies, the best being Intimate Rose. (Find the link in our “Affiliate Partners” section.) (NIH)
  • Practice routine Kegels. Kegel exercise helps to maintain and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which are a vital part of aging and body health. The pelvic floor helps to hold in our abdominal organs, as well as helps us to control our bladder and bowels. Practicing Kegel exercise also helps to increase sexual pleasure. Kegels are a great way to rebuild vaginal strength if that is what your circumstances reveal. Not all women should be practicing Kegel exercise. Check in with your physical therapist to find out if Kegel therapy will or will not work for you. (NIH)
If you are struggling with vaginal atrophy symptoms and issues, contact your doctor, an OBGYN, your oncology team, or medical care provider today. Do not suffer in silence- vaginal atrophy in a very, very common female problem and there are many treatment options available.


Health Line

National Institutes of Health

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Parkview Health Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Oxford Dictionary