So often, women are not aware that vaginal moisturizers exist or are beneficial until their doctor is handing them a prescription for hormone moisturizer creams. While these prescription hormone creams are exactly what some women need to help ease the dryness and irritation, for others, those medications cause a host of side effects and other issues. This is where natural, organic vaginal moisturizers come in handy.

The tissues of the vagina are incredibly sensitive and absorbent. (Yes! Absorbent!) This is why irritation can occur from using different soaps and detergents, to changing the brand of tampons used, and even changing brands or types of lubrication. Anything that is put inside of the vaginal canal has the potential to be absorbed by the body and into the blood stream.

Over the years there have been many news stories about people putting alcohol and other drugs on tampons to get a quick high, or quick buzz, off the instant absorption the vagina tissues offer. Not at all healthy- for the body or vagina, but entirely possible and true. Further proving just how absorbent these tissues are.

Are Oil Moisturizers Safe for the Vagina?

Why shouldn’t you route to olive oil, coconut oil, or other specialty oils? Because those oils, while very slippery, have been proven to cause and increase the risk of yeast infections, skin rashes, and other types of skin irritation. These oils can also be pore cloggers, causing breakouts and “pimples” in sensitive areas. All that said, for some people, these oils work just fine- (but what type of education would we be providing if we didn’t give you the good, bad, and the ugly?!) Olive oil does have lipids, which can help with skin pliability and flexibility, and is not as pH disruptive as other cooking oils. Aloe vera is also another good go-to that is ultimately natural. Aloe has anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties. If you choose to use these kitchen oils, please pay close attention to your body, and discontinue use at the first sign of irritation, reaction, or infection (NIH/CDC).

The Best Over-the-Counter Vaginal Moisturizers

The “best” vaginal moisturizers will always be those products with the more natural, safest ingredients. This does not always mean jumping to natural kitchen oils for your lube! There are now many moisturizers that utilize earth’s natural plant medicine to help restore natural moisture.

Our favorite natural vaginal moisturizers are as follows (and more can be found on these moisturizers in our “Product Reviews and Recommendations” area):

  • Sliquid Satin. Naturals Satin is an Aloe and Carrageenan based intimate moisturizer and is the first Sliquid product designed for daily use not just during sexual activity. Created for women who are experiencing regular or periodic dryness due to menopause, cancer treatment, medication, or any other reason- Satin will provide long lasting natural comfort with only a few drops. A proprietary blend of natural moisturizers including natural extracts of Carrageenan Aloe Vera and Vitamin E creates a natural feeling moisturizer that emulates your body’s own natural lubrication. Sliquid Naturals Satin, like all Sliquid products, does not contain any parabens DEA or sulfates and is always 100% vegan friendly. Ingredients: Purified Water Plant Cellulose from Cotton Carrageenan Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) Natural Tocopherols Vitamin E Cyamopsis (Guar Conditioners) Potassium Sorbate Citric Acid. 8.5-ounce bottle (Sliquid).
  • VMAGIC Vulva Balm. This balm is hormone free and non-irritating, non-estrogenic, non-GMO and cruelty free. This highly concentrated blend of nutrient-rich ingredients containing propolis and honey helps restore moisture while providing prebiotic and antioxidant benefits to the vaginal tissues (Medicine Mama).
  • SeeQ Wellness Vulva Cream. SeeQ Wellness feminine care product is formulated only with all natural premium ingredients, with NO hormones, NO synthetic dyes, NO chemicals, NO preservatives, NO parabens, NO sulfates, NO soy, and NO fillers.

Vaginal dryness is linked to numerous causes and triggers, conditions, cancers, treatments, and long-term illnesses. If your dryness issues are severe, hinder your daily life, or become painful, always check in with your doctor to verify your symptoms and the problem. Many times, a simple hormone adjustment may ease the dryness, and in other cases, using a daily moisturizer may be a better path to take. There are many options available to help to alleviate painful vaginal dryness.

What Ingredients should I Avoid when Shopping for Vaginal Moisturizer?

Whether it be lubrication or vaginal moisturizer, the ingredients do matter! Always check the labels to verify there are no ingredients that you might be allergic to, extra additives or chemicals, or skin irritants. These things are suggested to be avoided by the CDC and NIH for sensitive skin areas:

  • Glycerin is a humectant created to help retain moisture. This is an ingredient in many types of lubrication, especially those with additives and extras for flavor and warming possibilities. Glycerin is a byproduct of sugar, which can act as a food source for the same bacteria that cause irritation and inflammation in the vagina. This can lead to discomfort and/or yeast infections.
  • Nonoxynol-9 is a spermicide gel or cream, which is used to immobilize the sperm from being able to swim to fertilize the ovum, or egg. This chemical kills the sperm or lowers their chance of being able to reproduce. Nonoxynol-9 also kills good and bad bacteria in the vagina. Whenever you throw off your natural bacterial balance or pH, it can result in discomfort or an infection like bacterial vaginosis. Not everyone who uses spermicidal gels will get an infection. Others may just experience discomfort with some swelling and irritation. If you are sensitive to this chemical, take note that many condoms use spermicidal gel or lubrication as a base for another layer of safety during sexual activity.
  • Petroleum-based ingredients like Vaseline or baby oil are NEVER recommended for vaginal moisturizing or lubrication. These things can alter the pH of the vagina so much that some have reported major infection within twenty-four hours of use. These types of ingredients are too thick to use in this manner, and do not allow the tissues to breathe or properly regenerate cells. While these ingredients do not often show up in lubrication, people do tend to see them in the medicine cabinet and think they can substitute.  
  • Propylene Glycol is another humectant barrier and preservative that can cause irritation if you are sensitive. This chemical is also a base for making antifreeze, which makes many question its safety regarding the human body. The FDA has stated that there is no evidence to suggest it has or causes harm but advises that it is generally safe. If you are not imbibing major amounts of lubrication or moisturizer containing this ingredient, it should not cause any severe damage.
  • Parabens are a group of chemicals used as preservatives. Certain studies have shown that parabens can act as endocrine disruptors and mimic estrogen in the body, which can upset the delicate balance of hormones in the body. Any imbalance in hormones can trigger abnormal cell growth, and thus cancer. The FDA and other cancer organizations are still conducting research and studies to find out the real danger from these chemicals.
  • Chlorhexidine gluconate is a chemical used in lubrication as an antibacterial agent that can be caustic to the skin. Many people are unaware of the skin issues this chemical can present with. If you are experiencing unknown irritation after acts involving any lubrication containing this ingredient, consider taking a break and testing out a brand that does not have chlorhexidine gluconate in it.

Ensuring that you are using a quality vaginal moisturizer will ensure that your vagina is working properly and appropriately moistened.


National Institutes of Health

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Medicine Mama