The very taboo subject of self-discovery, self-pleasure, or masturbation- whichever words you choose to describe it- is a beneficial act one can do with and to their bodies to connect, find pleasure, find release, and boost the body’s natural happy hormones.

If masturbation does only good, then why is it considered so terrible to do?

Self-discovery is one of the best and easiest ways to work towards getting to know your body, your pleasure likes and dislikes, and for reconnecting with the self. Masturbation is simply the touching or rubbing of one’s genitalia in a way that incites pleasure or euphoric feelings (NIH). This can be done alone, or with a partner, and with or without devices, vibrators, or other devices of pleasure. While masturbation is typically done directly to the genitalia or general area, this can also be done to non-erogenous zones around the body (UofM).

Another benefit of self-pleasure is the “workout” it provides the pelvic floor. For both males and females, the pelvic floor is responsible for helping our bodies support our internal organs, control our bladder and bowels, increase sexual pleasure potential, and helps to support the abdominal muscles. For women, pelvic floor exercise also helps to prevent the prolapse of organs through the vagina (CDC). The CDC also gives these extra benefits from practicing masturbation:

  • Reduced period cramps and pain. This type of stimulation not only gets the heart pumping and awakens the body, but also helps to reduce menstrual cramps and pains that are associated their period. The pleasure sensations that occur during masturbation are the “happy chemicals” which help to ease and control cortisol, emotion, and general happiness.
  • Helps with relaxation. Those who masturbate often find themselves in a mellow state of numb after the act.
  • Promotes better sleep time. Masturbation can help to make sleep sounder and more constant in the nighttime hours. Consider taking your self-pleasuring adventures with you to bed!
  • Increases self-esteem and body image outlook. By spending time with our bodies in personal space and settings, this allows us to get to know what we like, dislike, and need. Having a good self-view helps with every aspect of life, including your love life (CDC).

EXTRA Pleasure while Self-Pleasuring

There are many ways to make masturbation and self-pleasure more exciting, feel different, or various ways to add in extra sensational stimulation. The following are some tips and ideas on how to change-up your self-pleasure routine should you need.

Use lubrication. Using lubrication helps to create a friction barrier, making skin or devices glide smoothly over sensitive areas. Lubrication can be beneficial during masturbation because the rate of friction applied to the genitals can be intense. Lubrication also gives the user different skin sensations than pleasure time without using lubrication (UofM).

Try a stimulating substance. Stimulating gels, lotions, or cremes are designed to help increase blood flow to the area where applied. There are many male stimulation cremes, as well as clitoral stimulators for females. They come in a wide variety of “styles” like warming, cooling, and tingling. Always be sure to test new stimulating products on an area of your body, like the wrist or neck, before putting it on your genitalia (CDC).

Use a sexual device for stimulation. The use of a sexual device- whether for vibration or sensational feelings- brings a whole new feeling, sensation, and overall pleasure field to your self-discovery time. There are a multitude of devices for men and women, and couples, to help give a stronger, longer orgasm.

Try removing a natural body sense. When we remove one of our five natural senses, the other senses heighten and become more sensitive. So, to easily relax, consider trying a blindfold. Taking away our sight helps to increase our sense of touch and feeling, which can heighten and change our “usual” pleasure response.

Reminders on Self-Pleasure

Remember these things when you are thinking about and planning your next self-discovery session.

Don’t just focus on the orgasm. If you are solely focused on the end goal, rather than the pleasure along the way, you will miss out on so many things and sensations. The body feels pleasure in various ways and is not limited to only feeling pleasure when orgasming (CDC).

Use your imagination. Think back to preschool when you were repeatedly reminded to use your imagination to make your world more colorful, more dream-like, and more of what you truly wanted. The same sort of thought can be put in to masturbation. Imagination is key when fantasizing and dreaming about your “dream” partner, and all the things that you wish they would do to you, and with you (UofM).

If you or your partner is experiencing erection difficulties, try using a Vacuum Penis Pump device. These devices are specially made in a variety of ways, styles, and systems. These devices work to temporarily draw and hold blood in the shaft of the penis, helping to create a firmer, longer lasting erection (CDC). These pumps can help with any level or erectile dysfunction, or even act to bring a flaccid penis to orgasm (NIH).

Whichever way you choose to connect with yourself and find pleasure, self-discovery is a natural, normal act that no individual should be ashamed of. If you haven’t tried it to date, add it to your self-care plans for the upcoming week and bask in the benefits and rewards of this natural stress relieving therapy.


National Institutes of Health and Human Services

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

University of Michigan Sexual Health

Woman Lab