While vacuum penis pumps are one of the go-to standards for erectile dysfunction holistic therapy, there are other devices on the market that can help you to be able to have penetrative sex acts, reach orgasm or ejaculation, and help you to better enjoy pleasurable acts.

Some of these devices are: support wearables, girth extenders, support rings (or “cock rings”), hollow strap-on devices, and stimulation devices. Each of these devices can be beneficial to a penis owner in a variety of sexual dysfunction situations. Loss of erectile function- whether a temporary loss or complete, permanent loss, hormonal fluctuations, mental health stress and strain, life changes, general stress, and many more issues can cause issue with typical, “standard” sexual function for a man (NIH/CDC).

Depending on your specific situation, function ability, and other diagnoses or complexities factored in, one or more of these devices could help you to restore lost function, or in the least allow you to enjoy penetrative or combined sex acts once more. Some men simply do not like the way the pumps work or feel for erection pump therapy, and others are not medically permitted to use them (CDC).

Support Wearables.

Support wearable devices are designed to offer extra support for a not-completely-erect penis. For user who can achieve a partial erection, these wearables are designed to help give the last bits of support to ensure the user can achieve penetrative sex acts.

Certain wearable devices will not work well for the penis owner if they have a complete loss of erection ability. For those people, hollow strap-on devices would be a better fit.

Girth Extenders.

Girth extenders can help a penis who has lost girth around the penile shaft after taking medications, chemotherapy, radiation, or had surgical interventions anywhere around the genital area.

These extender sleeves are made of out soft, silicone-like materials to feel soft and natural on the skin. Using a high-quality lubrication, the sleeve is slid over the penis head and down the shaft into position. Girth extenders are made to be worn during penetrative sex acts to increase the “girth” of the penis and give the penis-users partner a fuller penetrative feeling.

Girth extenders can be great for those men that are going through or have gone through chemotherapy and radiation of the pelvic area as these treatments can shrink the penis (NIH).

Support Rings. (or “Cock Rings”)

Support rings are an easy, simple place to begin if you are having erection issues hindering your ability to achieve a full, hard erection, or if your erections are not as long-lasting as you desire.

Support rings are designed to be used with lubrication, slid over the head of the flaccid penis, and down to the base of the penis where it meets the body/abdomen. Once the ring is in place, the penis haver can stimulate themselves to begin the process of drawing blood into the penile shaft, thusly causing some level of erection.

The support ring works by allowing the blood that is pulled in to the penile shaft naturally for the erection to be held in place by the “squeeze” the ring provides at the base of the penis, holding that blood in place to create a longer lasting erection.

Some support rings are designed not only for erection support, but also for partner stimulation. That’s right! Some rings can provide support and pleasure for you and offer added pleasure and stimulation for your partner!

Hollow Strap-On Devices.

Hollow strap-on devices are wearable devices designed to fit over a flaccid or semi-erect penis to help with and allow for penetrative intercourse and sex acts when erectile dysfunction issues are present. These devices provide hope and help for those men facing a complete loss of erectile function with the presence of erectile dysfunction.

Hollow devices are worn by fitting the lubricated penis into the hollow device, which then attaches to the body in various manners. Some devices have a waist strap, and others have a testicle anchor strap. The device stays on the body and can be worn during sexual intercourse with any female or male partner, just as a “normal” penis would be.

Stimulation Devices.

Stimulation devices can help the user to restore lost function, awaken damaged or tired nerves. Self-stimulation, or masturbation, can help to restore lost muscle and cell function in the penile shaft.

There are numerous devices designed for masturbatory stimulation for men. Some are hand-pump style, some are battery powered, and others now have rechargeable USB batteries allowing years upon years of use. All of these styles offer various suction, pressure, vibrations, pulsations, preset combinations, and more.

If you find yourself stuck between devices, unsure of which device might benefit your situation the most, or need help determining which erection support devices might be covered by your medical insurance plan, do not hesitate to reach out to our Empowering Intimacy staff.


Empowering Intimacy

National Institutes of Health and Human Services

Centers for Disease Control