PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder, is an anxiety disorder that can be triggered by a whole host of things. Many people are diagnosed with PTSD after serving time in the military with war syndrome, or even the stress brought on by physical or sexual abuse. Other worldly events like natural disasters, serious accidents, and violent crime can also trigger PTSD. Medical disaster and cancer are also on the top ten PTSD causers list.

In one study conducted by the American Cancer Society, they showed that one in four women diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018 were then diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (ACS). How is it possible that illness can incur the same diagnosis as war veterans? There are obvious reasons for our war vets to struggle after such events, however cancer patients & the medically fragile struggle with many of the same underlying issues. Some issues that they face are:

  • The diagnosis itself
  • Constant, chronic pain and utter discomfort
  • Invasive tests
  • Treatments that cause unbearable side effects, sometimes with no real progression
  • Unpredictable tests and results
  • Long hospital admits
  • The fear, worry and uncertainty about living and dying
  • The cancer itself, or it’s return (NIH)

Symptoms & Warnings of PTSD

There are distinct signs and symptoms that one can monitor for themselves, or caretakers can keep careful notes on to help you learn to work through. Anxiety, dread, worry, and fear are common working through diagnosis, treatment, and into survivorship. It is when these feelings become long lasting, never go away, or continue to worsen affecting daily life that they can become troublesome.

If any of these are present in your life, you should plan to discuss PTSD with your medical provider to begin a treatment plan for your situation.

  • Loss of interest in activities and relationships that used to be enjoyable
  • Self-destructive behavior, such as drug or alcohol abuse
  • Frightening or unwanted thoughts
  • Difficulty feeling emotions, including being non-reactive to emotional situations
  • Nightmares and flashbacks
  • Avoiding places, events, people, or things that bring back bad memories
  • Strong feelings of guilt, hopelessness, or shame
  • Trouble sleeping or concentrating
  • Continuous feelings of fear or anger (NIH)

While the premise of these symptoms is similar, every person will experience these symptoms differently. For some people, they may be able to carry on with life close to normal. But for others, their symptoms of PTSD develop and worsen within three months of a traumatic event, but many also experience issue years after the trauma occurred. If you have these feelings for longer than one month, make an appointment to see your medical care team.

Treatment for PTSD is important for those patients with cancer, progressive diseases, or long-term illnesses because this disorder can prevent them from seeking out the medical care, treatments, and plans needed to ensure they are beating or controlling their medical issues. Untreated mental disorders can lead to further mental disorders, physical problems and pain, social disconnect. If those issues are ignored, you will sink further into the depths of depression, anxiety, alcohol, and illicit drug use, eating disorders, loss of relationships, loss of employment, and more.

PTSD Risks

There are no real clear reasons why some people develop PTSD and others do not. Certain lifestyle factors can affect this outcome, and those who faced a medical crisis in early childhood have a 1 in 5 chance for developing PTSD (ACS). Many medical patients who have had years of treatments have a 1 in 3 chance of developing PTSD (ACS). A world study from the National Institutes of Health stated that twenty-one percent of children diagnosed with cancer in their preschool years or prior would suffer from PTSD throughout their lives (NIH).

Post-traumatic stress disorder proves more common for these kinds of people:

  • People who use avoidance strategies to cope with stress, such as drugs or alcohol
  • People with less formal education
  • People with low or no income
  • Single people
  • People who have had PTSD or other mental health conditions before being diagnosed with cancer
  • Women from minority groups
  • People with high levels of overall stress

People who have been diagnosed with cancer and survivors are less likely to be diagnosed with PTSD if they:

  • Receive strong support from family and friends
  • Are given correct information about the stage of the cancer
  • Have good relationships with their health care team

PTSD affects more than just the one person who has been diagnosed. It can also greatly affect the chronically ill, and those caregivers taking care of terminal or extremely sick people. One study conducted showed 21% of families with a teenage cancer survivor had at least one parent who experienced or was experiencing PTSD (ACS).

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment Options

PTSD is a treatable condition. There are many methods of treatment that may benefit your situation, your specific symptoms, and your desired outcomes. Some of those treatments include:

  • Psychotherapy. This means talking with a mental health professional, like a counselor, who has experience treating PTSD. Some counselors specialize in helping people who have or have had cancer. Therapy can be done one-on-one, or in a group setting. Some health insurance companies pay for a portion of the treatment.
  • Medication. Antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs can help manage PTSD symptoms, such as sadness, anxiety, and anger. Medication is often used in combination with psychotherapy.
  • Support groups. Support groups can help people cope with the emotional aspects of cancer. They provide a safe place to share experiences and learn from other people facing similar situations.Research shows that support groups can help people with cancer feel less depressed and anxious and become more hopeful. Learn more about support groups (NIH).

If you are dealing with PTSD symptoms, talk with your medical care provider for guidance and assistance in finding a treatment plan. The local hospital will have a social work department which can help locate counseling services and outside local support groups in your community. The local health department of your town or city may also be able to help you with resources to utilize for mental health services in your area. Some of those services may offer free assistance.

Remember that mental health and stability both play a role in your overall health and healing. If you are struggling, do not wait to reach out to find resources to help get yourself back on a healthy path.


American Cancer Society

Cancer Services of NE Indiana

National Institutes of Health