One of the most blacklisted subjects around- self-pleasure. Self-discovery. Choking the chicken. Double clicking the mouse. Giving yourself a hand. Or masturbation.

If our bodies are made to feel pleasure and benefit from the end products of such (hormone and good chemical releases and more), then how could this act be considered disgusting or vulgar? How is touching your own body a bad thing?

Self-discovery is one of the best and quickest ways to get to know yourself and your body again after medical chaos or life changes. Masturbation is, of course, the touching or stimulating of the genitalia, by the owner of said genitalia, for euphoria or pleasure (CDC). Masturbation can be done alone or with others, with or without devices, toys, tools, and extras. This type of body stimulation is not solely limited to the genitalia.

Not only is self-touch a mental health booster, but it is also a pelvic floor strengthener for both men and women. Having a healthy, strong pelvic floor can help to stave off incontinence problems, increases abdominal and pelvic muscle strength, and increases overall orgasm potential and power (NIH/ASHA). For vagina owners, regular pelvic floor exercises help to prevent organ prolapse.

Other points on masturbation are:

  • Promotes better sleep time. Masturbation can help to make sleep sounder and more constant in the nighttime hours. Consider taking your self-pleasuring adventures with you to bed!
  • Increases self-esteem and body image outlook. By spending time with our bodies in personal space and settings, this allows us to get to know what we like, dislike, and need. Having a good self-view helps with every aspect of life, including your love life.
  • Reduced period cramps and pain. This type of stimulation not only gets the heart pumping and awakens the body, but also helps to reduce menstrual cramps and pains that are associated their period. The pleasure sensations that occur during masturbation are the “happy chemicals” which help to ease and control cortisol, emotion, and general happiness.
  • Helps with relaxation. Those who masturbate often find themselves in a mellow state of calm after the act (ASHA).

Self-Discovery Alternatives for Increased Pleasure

These helpful methods, therapies, and extras can help you to increase your overall pleasure experience.

Use lubrication. Lubrication helps to create a friction barrier, making skin-on-skin or sexual devices glide smoothly over sensitive areas. Lubrication can be beneficial during masturbation because the rate of friction applied to the genitals can be intense. This helps to ensure that the skin stays pliable, moist, and can help to avoid tiny wounds in the skin. Check out our list of recommended lubrication in our “Product Reviews & Recommendations” section.

Use a stimulating gel or crème. These genital stimulants are designed to help increase blood flow to the area where applied. There are many male stimulation cremes, as well as clitoral stimulators for females. They come in a wide variety of “styles” like warming, cooling, and tingling. Always be sure to test new stimulating products on an area of your body, like the wrist or neck, before putting it on your genitalia.

Try new sexual devices. Sexual stimulation devices- whether for texture or vibration- create a whole new feeling, sensation, and overall pleasure field to your sexual routine. These devices cover a variety of items on the market, from the mild (like bullet vibrators or finger stimulation devices; vibrating penis support rings and enhancers) to the more intense and wilder items (pumping insertable vibrators, clitoral stimulators with insertable shaft; vibrating prostate massage tools). The use and choice of devices is solely up to the user, and every person has different needs, likes, and wants. There are courses available through Empowering Intimacy to learn about all of the devices that could benefit your needs and situation (NIH/CDC).

Last Reminders on Self-Discovery

Remember, masturbation is a private, personal experience that is different for every individual. These are some basic things to remember when thinking about practicing masturbation.

  • Don’t just focus on the orgasm. If you are solely focused on the orgasm, instead of the pleasure, you will miss out on much of your sexual adventure. The body feels pleasure in various ways and is not limited to only feeling pleasure when orgasming, or solely around the genitals.
  • Use your imagination. How many times as a child were you asked to use your imagination? Imagination is the key when fantasizing and dreaming about your “dream” partner and all the things that you wish they would do to you.
  • If you’ve lost your ability to have an erection, try using a Vacuum Penis Pump device. These devices are specially made in a variety of ways, styles, and systems. These help to temporarily draw and hold blood in the shaft of the penis, helping to create a firmer, longer lasting erection. These pumps can help with any level or erectile dysfunction, or even act to bring a flaccid penis to orgasm. We have a list of our recommended pumps in our “Product Reviews and Recommendations” section.

Maybe masturbation isn’t for you because you were raised to believe it was dirty, sinful, or some other horrific description. Truth is, these are our bodies and parts of them were designed to feel pleasure. Do not be afraid of masturbation! If you have never tried before, schedule some self-care time and get going!


National Institutes of Health

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

American Sexual Health Association