In this article on vaginal atrophy, we discuss living with this condition and making the best out of each day.

Those diagnosed with vaginal atrophy, for whatever cause or reason, have many options for treatment and future planning. Menopause, cancer, long-term illness, and a myriad of other life circumstances can make you feel like there are no real options because there is no cure. And this is true- that there is no cure, however, there are many treatments and therapies that can be done. Some of those things are:

  • Kegel exercise.
  • Lubrication & Daily moisturizers.
  • Dilator Therapy.
  • Hormone Therapy.
  • Being sexually active.
  • Laser Therapy.
  • Surgical intervention.

Progression of Vaginal Atrophy

Over time, and if left untreated, vaginal atrophy can change, alter, morph, and worsen. Monitoring your condition is vital to ensure that you can stave off any worsening changes. Notifying your doctor immediately when things change or worsen can help to keep therapy and treatment on point. Ignoring or avoiding your treatment will only hurt you in the long run.

Life with Vaginal Atrophy

Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM), Atrophic vaginitis, or vaginal atrophy- whatever you choose to call this condition- the effects are real and can be a hindrance when left untreated. The issues that it causes do not only affect the intimate and sex life of the individual, but also many aspects of your daily life and activities as well.

The daily dryness, burning, itching, and pain can make your favorite evening pastime of watching your favorite show nearly impossible. Exercising or doing your favorite aerobics program may now be painful with movement, especially those movements that pull at the groin. One in four women report that even with treatment, there are still rough days where atrophy changes their daily choices and tasks (CDC/NIH). This can also include general happiness, daily activities, and sleep quality & duration.

It is important that you become an active participant in your own healthcare needs and body, especially when conditions like vaginal atrophy. Speak with your doctor and ask your questions so you can feel empowered with education and guidance to better understand what to expect.

Questions for your Doctor regarding Vaginal Atrophy

It can feel very overwhelming to feel comfortable asking questions about sexual health and genitalia. The good news is that all humans have the same body parts and many of them also break down and malfunction is similar ways. If you feel nervous about addressing these topics with your doctor, simply write them down on paper, and give them to your nurse to have addressed during your appointment. Consider these questions to help get the conversation started.

  • What over-the-counter options do you recommend for me?
  • What prescriptions do you recommend for me?
  • Is my condition temporary?
  • Are there other ways to treat my condition?
  • Are there any risks of treatment?
  • How long will it be before the treatments work?
  • Do I have another condition on top of the vaginal atrophy?
  • What else can I do to stop the vaginal atrophy from worsening?
  • What can my partner do to help? (CDC/NIH)

Never feel awkward or hesitate to ask your doctor questions about your body or health. Especially with conditions like vaginal atrophy where relief and a treatment plan are not hard to acquire!


National Institutes of Health

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Health Line

Intimate Rose